Beards and Baldness


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A person here mentioned that there is usually a correlation between being able to grow a decent beard, and going bald.

This got me thinking. The bald "loser" types that media has ingrained into my head are clean shaven. Is there a biological reason why non-bearded horseshoes are seen as weak? Does an alarm bell go in our heads "hey you are bald, why the hell are you not being able to grow a beard, is there a biological problem with you?"








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A person here mentioned that there is usually a correlation between being able to grow a decent beard, and going bald.

This got me thinking. The bald "loser" types that media has ingrained into my head are clean shaven. Is there a biological reason why non-bearded horseshoes are seen as weak? Does an alarm bell go in our heads "hey you are bald, why the hell are you not being able to grow a beard, is there a biological problem with you?"







I don't know if I really have a "biological" reason for you, but I think the main reason many folks may go easier on bearded baldies because they have at least something to distract from those weird hairless scalps.
Although beards may not make pussies wet, they at least show that you have...well, SOME hair to compensate for the lack of hair on your head. That's honestly the only reason I can think of at this time, brother. That's why many on this forum recommend growing out some well-groomed stubble if you are bald/balding. However, in that regard, if I end up going bald, I feel like I will be completely ****ed, as I can only grow facial hair in the moustache and chin region. Awesome.


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I have a beard while bald, not cause im bald but im finally growing something i couldnt grow before even WITH hair cause of patchy hair. Even now it still is but not as bad and good enough to wear. Basically if i didnt go bald i would still have this beard. I have never looked at a balding/bald guy as a loser, even when i had hair, and never seen people say what you said about why cant they grow a beard. some of them for all we know probably had a beard before they went bald, but we are not gonna know any better. But the guy in the last pic is a viking i believe in a show hence his look.

Armando Jose

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[h=3]Abstract[/h]The hypothesis according to which male common baldness has developed in the human species as a compensation for the growth of a beard in order to achieve heat loss has been tested. In 100 clean-shaven men direct measurement of the area of glabrous skin on the forehead and calvaria was found to be proportional to that of the hairy skin on the lips, cheeks, chin and neck. During light hyperthermia the evaporation rate on the bald scalp was 2 to 3 times higher than on the hairy scalp. Conversely the evaporation rate was practically equal on the foreheads and chins of women and unbearded young men, while in adult clean-shaven bearded men it was 40% less on the chin than the forehead. These results support the hypothesis that male baldness is a thermoregulatory compensation for the growth of a beard in adults.


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I think its because a beard at least says in the man world you are an adult man and not some balding man child.
Either way its not like your interested in attracting other guys, well maybe, I dunno.
I can grow a beard but its not good looking on me. Aso very painful after some time, like tiny razor wires going through and rubbing my skin

Wolf Pack

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The smooth on top and smooth face is the look to go for if you have good facial aesthetics. A beard is just a band aid, it hides your face and is more of a distraction technique (and not a good one). It's not attractive in itself but can look good. Ideally 1-2 days stubble so the face is not hidden for a bald guy.


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I must have crap hair genetics all around then because despite me being super sensitive to balding (NW5 at 22 years old...) I never got a lot of facial or body hair.

Not that I'm complaining given my situation...


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Can't grow a proper beard at all. Hairy legs and increasingly hairy arms and nostrils (i pluck of course) though.

Wolf Pack

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Off topic but Wolf Pack, I didn't know there were two types of DHT. :p

Technically there is only one DHT. It's just that there are three 5 AR enzymes involved in converting DHT to T which are located in various parts of the body. The DHT at the hair follicle is due to the activity of the type 2 enzyme aka the bad guy for male pattern baldness.


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Why cant a guy grow a beard because he likes it? lol not all this mumbo jumbo.

Armando Jose

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Human being dont lose body hair, only miniaturize them, and scalp hairs developed hair cycle asynchronicity, ..., only certains primates and maybe pigs compart this issue.