Beat this


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Okay so beat this guys... Every morning when I wake up and take a shower I refuse to come out of my room for at least 30minutes cause I dont want anyone too see my hair could be my grandmother I wouldnt care. I go into differnt areas with mirrors Ex. a bathroom, to see what my hair looks like in that type of lighting. I carry a comb with me all day. When I get home I run my fingers threw my hair to see if any comes out. Before I wash the sink I see how many hairs are in it. So tell me am i psycodic


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Very unhealthy.

Throw away your pocket comb.

Get on with your life, mate.

Make it your New Year's resolution.


eaglescout said:
Okay so beat this guys... Every morning when I wake up and take a shower I refuse to come out of my room for at least 30minutes cause I dont want anyone too see my hair could be my grandmother I wouldnt care. I go into differnt areas with mirrors Ex. a bathroom, to see what my hair looks like in that type of lighting. I carry a comb with me all day. When I get home I run my fingers threw my hair to see if any comes out. Before I wash the sink I see how many hairs are in it. So tell me am i psycodic

No, you are not. You are just a hair loss sufferer. I constatly check my hands to see how many hairs are there after shampooing. It is very unhealthy as Aplunk1 said because it really makes me crazy, but I can´t stop it. I also pull my hairs in order to see how many are coming out. I need help, I really do :(. let´s all hope for HM.


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dude, you are setting yourself up for BDD. Stop looking in the mirror. Get out of the shower, towel dry you hair (yes towel dry!) and walk out. Who gives a f*** what people say. Tell them to suck your dick


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Some people go to much further extremes believe me!


Established Member
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Depends how quickly I need my hair dry. Using a hair dryer does make it look thicker tho

Follically Challenged

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I used to pat down my hair before I got on Propecia.

After I got on Propecia, man did I shake it up! I never used to scratch my head *scratches* I'll just do it for fun.

Honestly though, stop running your hands through your hair, that's just stupid. Obsessing is fine but making your hair fall out is retarded.


beat this. i dont shower after soccer with all the guys because i dont want them to see my hair without toppik. so i shower at home. i keep it a secret all way.