been on 1% nizoral for about a year, should i be on 2%


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been using 1% nizoral for a while, should i be using 2%. where do you get 2%? Im doing ok, just always see 2% mentioned. Let me know. nike


what country are you in?

it is OTC in most chemists in the UK


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I dont think it really matters just as long as its working for you and not in a harsh way


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Hey, ive been on nizoral 1% for almost 2 months... i just switched over to 2% because im always hearing how its better.

Anyone notice the 2% smells a lot worse than the 1%? The first time i used it, the smell really got to me..nothing alarming b/c once u wash it out, it doesnt really smell, but i thought i kinda smelled like piss.

Anyways, regardless, i will be adding 2% to my regimine for now on, along with finasteride and multivitamin....will keep you posted.

Good luck to all,


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1% is sufficent for 99% of people. If it controls your itch, it works. Don't always assume more is better. In fact with hair loss, less is better because its easier on the wallet, easier on the daily "to do" list, and you always have something to "work up to" in the future if you see results taking only the bare minimum.

1% should do.


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Hi hair transplant,

So does the same about 'overdoing it', go for Folligen spray and Emu oil too?? Because I use both, on top of my Propecia daily, my Nizoral 1x weekly, my T/Sal 1x weekly, and all my vitamins/msm/etc..

Is it overkill for me? I enjoy using the Folligen Spray because I feel that Cu peptides may help overall health of the scalp/skin.. and the same with Emu oil.. I like it on my scalp/skin...

I'm only 27, caught my vertex/crown thinning early on.. and in my 4th month of Propecia currently... I think I'm doing fine with my regimine so I'm not sure if it's overkill or not??


HairlossTalk said:
........In fact with hair loss, less is better because its easier on the wallet, easier on the daily "to do" list.......

I think a treatment should be viewed soley on its efficacy and not on price and convenience.

Thinning Sucks

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HairlossTalk said:
1% is sufficent for 99% of people. If it controls your itch, it works. Don't always assume more is better. In fact with hair loss, less is better because its easier on the wallet, easier on the daily "to do" list, and you always have something to "work up to" in the future if you see results taking only the bare minimum.

1% should do.

I just bought some 2% and still have 4 bottles of 1% left. I just started using 1% every other day. Does anyone use the 2% every other day without irritation? Would it be better to alternate?

Guess I will have to try out.....


Thinning Sucks said:
Does anyone use the 2% every other day without irritation?

yep! me, took a few months for my scalp to settle into the Nizoral/Minoxidil/TGel/Finasteride etc etc cycle but now I get zero irratation.



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I had the same effect. Eventually all the itching and irritation went away. The scalp is a very fragile zone and it must be babysat through the recovery process.


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thanks for all the replied. so should i stay on the 1 for a while longer then maybe switch to the 2 in the future if i see it necesary?