Beginning of my Regime!!


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Alrite guys I finally decided to purchase a lasercomb,
now i'm just trying to decide on the topicals, so i've came down to the following conclusion:
spironolactone & revivogen every other day
and folligen?

I dunno spironolactone and revivo all have mixed reviews....
and perhaps folligen sprays and lotion to thicken my follicles in the front?

so has anyone had any real results from these two topicals?
i mean has it completey stopped the hair loss?

Also any comments and suggestions are welcome,
i'm just a newbie looking for some assistance!!!!! :(


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i believe has used spironolactone and revivogen twice a day everyday, and has slowed down hairloss a bit. i've heard that spironolactone must be used at least twice a day to be affective.


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Before you try unproven treatments.. Go with what we know to work first. Minoxidil, and Finasteride. Those 2 together will more than likely be sufficient to at least slow down your loss. No point in spending money on stuff that is good as an accessory to the stuff that will probably do the job alone.

If it fails, then move to other things.


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yea but i'm one of those ppl who would like to stay as far away from minoxidil and finasteride as i can due to side effects.. and hair deopendency.. if all comes to worst and nothing works i might slowly transition over to the big 3.

I've taken some before photos... and i wanna prove once and for all if laser comb really works..
As for topicals does anyone else have any success stories?


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Listen, if you really feel that you're loosing your hair, you really should at least try minoxidil- ANY treatment you start, whether it be Revivogen or spironolactone or minoxidil, will only help you as long as you're using it. If you stop Revivogen, and it was actually working for you, you'll loose your hair again- same goes with minoxidil. Only difference is, one is PROVEN to work and the other is annecdotal (I actually use bot Reviogen and minoxidil). So the excuse that you don't want to use minoxidil because of the dependency is invalid, cause that's the case for any treatment- might as well use something that is also proven to work.


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I'm getting really sick and tired of all you pussies not trying something because you have a 5% chance of mild side effects. If you're such a pansy then you deserve to lose your hair. Good luck with your stuff're gonna need a LOT of it.


Spidy182 said:
yea but i'm one of those ppl who would like to stay as far away from minoxidil and finasteride as i can due to side effects.. and hair deopendency.. if all comes to worst and nothing works i might slowly transition over to the big 3.

I've taken some before photos... and i wanna prove once and for all if laser comb really works..
As for topicals does anyone else have any success stories?

Explain your hair dependency issues? ALL hair treatments work on the basis of sustained use, save hair transplants.


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minoxidil grows minoxidil hair. other treatments if they work grow real hair , and changing treatments would not affect your hair if both were effective. If you are on minoxidil you can never stop using it and no other treatment will let you keep hair grown by minoxidil. its basically a chemical wig


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why are you guys telling him he needs minoxidil. it sounds like he's just trying to save the hair he's got. my position is that if you get to the point where you decide you want to grow more hair then use it, but if you just wanna keep what you've got why start using it immediately. then you have nothing down the road to use.

also, i'm very insterested in the laser comb, but from what i hear the FDA trials results will be released in a couple of months so i'm definately waiting before i drop $600.


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Stingray is right why waste your time with the so called crap, when you can hit that sh*t with the best that science has to offer minoxidil and Fina. Bruce and the two most knowledgable guys here both agree on that reigme. You can try other methods but you will eventually end up on those products- if you want to save your hair. In the meantime while experimenting you will loose more hair.

In the begining I must have spent $300 on stuff like Crinagen, Folligen, Nioxen, tea tree shampoo, saw palmetto etc... It never worked as good as minoxidil or Propecia and I lost allot of vaulable hairs becasue I chose to wait.


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garthbrooks is right about the "chemical wig".... as for finasteride.. i might try it, but as i've read in many posts, the sheds that ppl go through, and manytimes the sheds that they dont recover from... thats my worst nightmare to use a product that'll make my hair worst or become dependent on it ie: minoxidil.

like i said earlier.. if nothing helps then i'll resort to that.. but other wise
i'm wondering if any topicals are working for you guys, i would really appreciate any advise Thanks :)


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oh i see, you want that really good new hairloss drug that has 100% proven results with no side effects gauranteed. please visit for such a product. we deal only in cash, so you dont have to deal with messy credit cards, and checks.

I have heard a couple bad stories from finasteride, and there's probably some from minoxidil as well, but the studies show them to be the most succesful treatments. So one of those should be the place to start.