Beginning RU w/ pix


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So everybody is always talking about how nobody has pix before and after of RU, well i guess i'll step up and be that guy. This is my first time trying this because propecia didn't work for me after 3 months and gave me belly fat, although i didn't suffer any sexual sides. I never really thought DHT was a problem for me. I had tests done and propecia did indeed lower my DHT, raised my testosterone but nevertheless, i had no results. As you can see in the pix, i'm diffuse all around and really have no bald spots or receeding, just thin hair. I tried topical spironolactone and i don't think it helped much. So basically this is my last hope.

Everything I've learned is from Enden, el dutasteride, finasteride and other guys on this site, so i wanna say thanks to everybody. I never thought i could do anything like this cuz I know nothing about mixing ml or grams or any of this kinda stuff.

I plan on using the Rogaine Vehicle and making it myself which is:
- 50% Propylene Glycol
- 30% Ethyl Alcohol (96%)
- 20% Distilled Water.

I also may try a 70% ethyl 30% PG solution at some point.

I got my PG from essential I got 200 proof ethyl alcohol from a local chemistry store and i got my distilled water from a grocery store. I got my RU from OC. I got my scale from oldwillknots scales, it is a JS-VG that measures 20g x .002g. Its a little pricey around $75 but i plan on using it for CB as well, i'm in this for the long haul.

I plan on making a solution every two weeks, using 2ml a day and for every 1ml/25mg of RU and mixing the RU with the solution daily. I will be putting RU on my hairline and front part of the scalp every night after a shower. I will allow time for the hair to dry and rub it in until it's dry.

If i see success around the front of the scalp, I will buzz my head and use it on the sides as well. I'll also be posting update pix, possibly in a month.

If there's anything else ya'll wanna know, anything i forgot or got any suggestions or tips, please let me know.


bigger pix can be viewed here


  • side wet may 11.jpeg
    side wet may 11.jpeg
    3.9 KB · Views: 1,538
  • wet hair may 11.jpeg
    wet hair may 11.jpeg
    3.5 KB · Views: 1,541


Established Member
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My hair isn't quite that thin, but I have recession of the hairline. Looks like you don't have that.

The thinning on the sides is weird though. Have you talked to a doctor? Usually bald guys keep that hair.


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i've had thyroid tests done, came back fine. I've had doctors tell me i'm not thinning on the sides. I really don't think doctors know anything about hair other than normal crown balding and receding and even that they just say get on propecia or minoxidil. I just think i'm sensitive to testosterone because when i was about 19, i started lifting weights and getting bigger, thats when my hair started to thin, although i didn't notice at the time, looking back i see it. I'm 22 now


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good luck but I doubt that RU will help you as you don't have male pattern baldness in the normal horseshoe pattern.

If using finasteride did not stop the loss then it is a proof that DHT is not the cause of your loss, and since RU main function is to block DHT at the scalp level your results will be similar.

RU's other benefit is to block testosterone from binding to the AR which may worsen male pattern baldness as well, but again in your particular case you did try Sprio and had no results which shows that T is not the cause either.


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well el dutasteride, i tried topical spironolactone, which is very weak but what would you think the cause is? I've had thyroid tests done, nothing wrong, i'm completely healthy other than the fact that my hair continues to miniturize. Which would lead me to believe test is indeed my problem.


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spironolactone is weak when competing with DHT but should be able to compete with T.

How is your family's hair ? do they have the same pattern ?


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my dad does, very thin hair on the sides and back at 45, still has coverage, he has a receding hairline, but he didn't start thinning until around 27 and his sides were thicker than mine, although his sides are similar to mine now. If i had to guess, i have female pattern baldness, which is androgen related, just in a female pattern as opposed to male pattern baldness. My sister who is 20, is also losing her hair but not as rapid as mine.


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I see... is you mother loosing hair as well ?


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she had a period where she lost quite a bit of hair, but she has stabilized, i'm sure it was hormone related.


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ok so you have some very special hairloss going on in your familiy..not male pattern baldness though...let see if you get results from RU

But you will need a lot of RU to cover all you head


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yeah, i'm a "special" case, another reason i believe test is a factor for me, when i jumped on 1/4 proscar, my test doubled, it actually doubled, i had it tested and i noticed my sides and top got thinner very quickly, although my crown got thicker, i believe it's testosterone affecting most of my hair except for the crown, which i have some thinning but i think once i can get the front stabilized, i can mess around with my crown and see if RU can help that or if only proscar will help.


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Sup guys, just giving an update, hair has gotten thicker and it's only been a week. Not a full head of hair or anything but i can actually style the front and it looks like i have toppix in my hair and i dont. Pretty crazy, this is the only thing that has actually worked for me. I'll post some pix in a few weeks, might buzz my hair pretty short so i can get to work on the sides.


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Awesome man!! Keep the updates coming. Some people respond quickly to anti androgens. I remember seeing stronger hair within a week of starting finasteride and my shedding almost stopped right away. Other people's hair gets worse before it gets better.


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Well, I've been on it a week too, and I think the improvement you are seeing is in your head. 1 week is not enough time to see improvement. Wishful thinking.


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NES said:
Well, I've been on it a week too, and I think the improvement you are seeing is in your head. 1 week is not enough time to see improvement. Wishful thinking.



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Jeff said:
NES said:
Well, I've been on it a week too, and I think the improvement you are seeing is in your head. 1 week is not enough time to see improvement. Wishful thinking.


Wow, you really refuted me there. :jackit:

You really believe that RU can reverse, in one week, the miniaturizing effects of DHT on hair follicles, which has most likely been occurring over years? Get real. Even if your hair responds well in an androgen-less environment, it still takes time for the next hair cycle to start, at which point you may start seeing thicker hair.


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NES said:
Jeff said:
NES said:
Well, I've been on it a week too, and I think the improvement you are seeing is in your head. 1 week is not enough time to see improvement. Wishful thinking.


Wow, you really refuted me there. :jackit:

You really believe that RU can reverse, in one week, the miniaturizing effects of DHT on hair follicles, which has most likely been occurring over years? Get real. Even if your hair responds well in an androgen-less environment, it still takes time for the next hair cycle to start, at which point you may start seeing thicker hair.

Is he overreacting a little bit? Probably....Do I know that anti androgens can act quickly for some? Yes... Why, because I experienced quick results from finasteride.
Did I have new hairs sprouting out of my head after a weak? No...I think we all know that only a tall glass of apple cider vinegar could do that.

My hair was grown out a bit at the time and my hair was getting really weak looking or limp so to speak. I had read up on finasteride on different forums and knew going in that a shed was likely and not to expect results for 3 to 4 months.
I could feel it working quick and the first thing I noticed was that my hair wasnt nearly as limp looking. I broke out along my hairline within a couple of days.

Everybody is different and everybody responds to treatments differently. If he had come out and said hes got all this new regrowth then flame away, but he didn't. I thought your post was rude and well wrong


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For someone responding very well to anti-androgens,one week is sufficient to start noticing that the base of the existing hair shaft is getting thicker.

the angle at which the hair shaft stands will begin to raise to a more vertical angle.

That happened to me whenever i did start finasteride, dutasteride and RU.

Its a subtle change but you will know that results are pointing to a good direction.

Glad to hear Ice is having good results


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I saw a drastic, cosmetic improvement within 3 weeks. Other people noticed it too.


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You say that RU can worsen hairless for some , I think that is starting to happen with me. Been on RU for a bit now and at first it looked better now it's getting worse than baseline. Not sure what to do ...

I'm using FE, thinking of switching to OC.

Will the RU make a difference or should I quit RU.

Bah I'm lost again..