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Has anyone developed unhealthy behaviors because of hair loss? I've developed this unnatural behavior of avoiding mirrors. It began a couple years ago when I first started noticing hair loss and I'd get depressed when I looked at my hair in the mirror. Since then I have been avoiding looking in mirrors except when I really have to. It's not something I started on purpose, it's just that I would feel really down when I looked so I began not looking in the mirror to avoid feeling bad. Now it's gone too far and I'm not sure what to do. Does anyone feel similar?

What I mean is that I've started unconciously locating mirrors/reflections when I come into a room and avoid standing in front of them. In bathrooms I look at the sink, when I walk up to stores I don't look at the glass so I don't see my reflection (malls suck!). I know I probably sound crazy, but it just started out because I found it easier to avoid the gut renching I felt by simply not looking in the mirror. Then I got accustomed to it and now it's kinda snowballed.

I'm an intelligent person and I realize this is not a healthy behavior. I know that this is not the person I want to be. The problem I'm having is that no matter how I try I get that gut renching and depression when I see my hair in the mirror. I've got to come to terms with it, but I'm not sure how to. Right now I can't even imagine looking into a mirror without feeling uncomfortable. Anyone delt with something like this?


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My unhealthy behavior is coming to these damn forums...

The Gardener

Senior Member
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I pick my nose.

I know, I know... but on the bright side, at least I don't eat it anymore.


Established Member
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Im in the same boat as you...joe mamma. I lost more seft esteem than I did hair, and I cant see a cure in site.

I use to love looking in the mirror, now I feel like the Elephant man!

No joke, Im thinking about seeing a psychologist if my mental health wont improve.