being black and bald


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yeah I know this topic have been brought up many times in many forms but reading through all those topics and posts I see that there's a funny trend here that tends to assume black guys don't have a problem with getting bald.

I man how can someone come up with a conclussion like that? Being black and bald is at least as much frustrating if not more. Why?

1. male pattern baldness occurence in blacks and asians is far lesser than in whites. The chance of having male pattern baldness in early twenties for a black guy is like what 1/10000 compared to a 1/1000 for a white(yeah these are made up values jsut to indicate that for a black it is rare). So being a black baldie makes you stand out on a much larger scale.

2. Black guys can't get away with any stage of baldness. Since most blacks will have straight lines even if you are a NW2 NW3 it is something that will focus attention of others. So in the end you will have to shave your head.

3. Since they stand out even more, black guys look ugly with any stage of baldness except a maturing hairline and the forehead getting bigger but not male pattern baldness. A white guy can get away with being a NW3 and looking good.

4. Thanks to our "clown hair" we cannot style it in any way to hide our receding hairline. It's all there for everybody to see. Not to mention that it sucks that african hair is heavily limited in any kind of styling. It's basically bald, short shaved, cornrows, dreads. Well You can use hair straightening products but then you will be not considered straight :gay: .

5. A white guy can even get away with being a NW6-7 and not shaving his hair (politican or businessman hairstyle). It will look ugly but not weird and odd like a black guy growing his clown hair on the sides.

6. Not to mention that being black sucks anyway, so most black guys will have much bigger problems that hairloss to focus on. Being mixed tho is even worse. You get the negatives of being white like higher chance of male pattern baldness yet you carry the stigma of being black and you can't even blend your horseshoe with your skin color. But nothing is worse that living in a white country and being mixed/black like me. You might as well just go and throw yourself at the nearest rails.


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I see lots of bald black guys, the only difference is their dark toned skin hides the horseshoe.


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Yeah that's the problem, a black guy is actually expected to shave it off once he reaches NW2. He has no choice as it doesnt compose well with african frizzy hair.

If that wasn't enough a hair transplant is much more difficult and many clinics will turn you down. Almost none do FUE on AA.

Being white is a blessing not only in terms of hair loss but in overall possible quality of life. I bet at least 50% of blacks would like to be white.


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monty1978 said:
we have to work harder on our physiques.

How so? I mean seriously there are so common myths kicking in right now. A black guy has to work on his physique as hard as anyone. It's not like blacks are born with great ripped bodies if that's what you are trying to imply.

Plus white guys are the most attractive across all races. Asian girls like whites, black girls like whites and white girls also like whites. A black guy will usually roam through black girls and some white girls that can't get white guys cause they are too fugly.


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Yeas but it's not a general rule. Some have better genetics some do not. White men are usually stronger, the strongest of all races. While a black man can look good he will never get as strong as the white guy mostly because his muscle fibers are built for endurance more than strenght, with long but slim tendons.

Plus it sucks to live in a white world. I mean a black guy has a choice. Either live in a black world without technology, proper society structures and everything that comes along a properly functioning society or live in a white world where he feels inferior knowing that everything was invented and created by white and asian men. :dunno:

Black race has no positive influence in the progress of human kind. It really sometimes gets to me and I feel less of a human when I have a bad day. Honestly I feel bad with the fact that most blacks are not trying to fight all those negative stereotypes and cant have a more civilised attitude. In fact, mosr of them do exactly what the stereotypes imply and those few of them like me that are trying to change our image can do nothing. This political correctness that is currently poisoning the western societies is even worse and is actually making blacks behave like sh*t knowing that they can always get away with many things by labeling whites as racists. It makes me sick. :jackit:


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LooseItAll said:
Yeas but it's not a general rule. Some have better genetics some do not. White men are usually stronger, the strongest of all races. While a black man can look good he will never get as strong as the white guy mostly because his muscle fibers are built for endurance more than strenght, with long but slim tendons.

I don't buy that. Why do blacks punch above their weight in sports then? Heavyweight boxers are pretty much all black, sprinters, the English football team has several black players despite being only about 4% of the population, and the French football team are mostly black.

Also, I think you're underestimating how many girls are attracted to black guys, you certainly have it much better than Asian (far-east) guys in a multicultural society. I'm white, and I've never, ever heard a female friend describe an Asian guy as attractive, but I've heard several talk about hot black celebrities. Bizzarely, in London there don't seem to be many White girl, Black guy couples, despite blacks being like 15% of the population, but in Paris there are loads, and often with really hot girls too.

You almost seem so down on being black that I'm suspecting that you're a troll!??


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Blacks have thinner and longer achilles tendons which help them in activites like sprinting, same goes for football. It's all endurance based.

Heavyweight boxers all black? Yeah I guess Klitschko brothers, Valuev, Chagaev, Povietkin, Adamek and many more are black. The only notable blacks today are Haye and Solis.

I agree. In temrs of attraction asian guys are having the worst of all. In terms of overall reputation, we all know who has it the worst and we blacks can only blame ourselves.

Nope I would love to be a troll unfortunately if you look at my pictures you will see that I am just an NW4A bald half black guy who is not happy with his current state. Can't really blame me I am not BSing. It just sucks that one can't do anything about it. A little rant always gives some comfort.


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LooseItAll said:

Black race has no positive influence in the progress of human kind. It really sometimes gets to me and I feel less of a human when I have a bad day. Honestly I feel bad with the fact that most blacks are not trying to fight all those negative stereotypes and cant have a more civilised attitude. In fact, mosr of them do exactly what the stereotypes imply and those few of them like me that are trying to change our image can do nothing. This political correctness that is currently poisoning the western societies is even worse and is actually making blacks behave like sh*t knowing that they can always get away with many things by labeling whites as racists. It makes me sick. :jackit:

Really? Are you sure you're black or just a troll? That's a very unfair statement to make.

I agree that the political correctness in America at least, is preventing some AA people from moving forward as it allows them to develop an irrational hostility towards white people and blame them for anything and everything. but then politcal correctness in America is a virus in general, affecting every ethnic group, with all those in power afraid to condemn the lack of integration among racial groups because this might be seen as "intolerant".

However living in the UK, I can assure you the situation is very different and most second generation african/caribbean people I meet are very positive, ambitious. determined to make the best of themselves and obviously fighting hard to defeat the negative, racist stereotypes that exist.

In my experience black guys definitely have better physical genetics, look at the NFL and the English Premier League.

Also on the subject of hair, I can appreciate that if you have an irregular shaped head being black isn't going to improve the appearance of your baldness, however in general for most black men, the tone of their skin works well to camouflage their horseshoe.

White guys continually clutch at straws when citing Vin Diesel, Jason Statham and Bruce WIllis as examples of the only white celebrities who pull off the bald look well, however the list of black celebrities rocking a Norwood successfully is endless because it just simply looks better than a pasty white head (I'm white by the way).


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LooseItAll said:

Black race has no positive influence in the progress of human kind. It really sometimes gets to me and I feel less of a human when I have a bad day. Honestly I feel bad with the fact that most blacks are not trying to fight all those negative stereotypes and cant have a more civilised attitude. In fact, mosr of them do exactly what the stereotypes imply and those few of them like me that are trying to change our image can do nothing. This political correctness that is currently poisoning the western societies is even worse and is actually making blacks behave like sh*t knowing that they can always get away with many things by labeling whites as racists. It makes me sick. :jackit:

Really? Are you sure you're black or just a troll? That's a very unfair statement to make.

I agree that the political correctness in America at least, is preventing some AA people from moving forward as it allows them to develop an irrational hostility towards white people and blame them for anything and everything. but then politcal correctness in America is a virus in general, affecting every ethnic group, with all those in power afraid to condemn the lack of integration among racial groups because this might be seen as "intolerant".

However living in the UK, I can assure you the situation is very different and most second generation african/caribbean people I meet are very positive, ambitious. determined to make the best of themselves and obviously fighting hard to defeat the negative, racist stereotypes that exist.

In my experience black guys definitely have better physical genetics, look at the NFL and the English Premier League.

Also on the subject of hair, I can appreciate that if you have an irregular shaped head being black isn't going to improve the appearance of your baldness, however in general for most black men, the tone of their skin works well to camouflage their horseshoe.

White guys continually clutch at straws when citing Vin Diesel, Jason Statham and Bruce WIllis as examples of the only white celebrities who pull off the bald look well, however the list of black celebrities rocking a Norwood successfully is endless because it just simply looks better than a pasty white head (I'm white by the way).


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I agree about black peoples hairlines, since they almost always go for razor straight with buzz cuts. Black people with mild diffuse thinning its hard to tell tho cuz afro hair fills up a lot of space, even when its a short buzz. Also its hard to see your bald spots cuz your hair and skin is almost the same color... So In general, I think black people tolerate thinning and bald spots better and receding hairlines worse.


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I agree that the political correctness in America at least, is preventing some AA people from moving forward as it allows them to develop an irrational hostility towards white people and blame them for anything and everything.

...what are you taking about there's a black president...

And as for white guys being stronger, look at the NFL the majority is black guys and that doesn't just endurance that takes tremendous strength and their all natural. Plus the biggest bodybuilder of all time is black, Ronnie Coleman. The only white guys that are naturally stronger, are the exceptions in the world's strongest tournaments and majority of them are of Slavic origins.

Plus if your black your probably taller and have a bigger dick and look good with a shaved head.


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I've never looked at a bald black man and thought "man, that baldness really looks terrible on him". On the other hand, 3/4 white NW4+ guys I see I think "that looks appalling".


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cuebald said:
I've never looked at a bald black man and thought "man, that baldness really looks terrible on him". On the other hand, 3/4 white NW4+ guys I see I think "that looks appalling".



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Nicole Scherzinger, Cheryl Cole, Eva Longoria just 3 of many...


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LooseItAll said:
Yeas but it's not a general rule. Some have better genetics some do not. White men are usually stronger, the strongest of all races. While a black man can look good he will never get as strong as the white guy mostly because his muscle fibers are built for endurance more than strenght, with long but slim tendons.

Plus it sucks to live in a white world. I mean a black guy has a choice. Either live in a black world without technology, proper society structures and everything that comes along a properly functioning society or live in a white world where he feels inferior knowing that everything was invented and created by white and asian men. :dunno:

Black race has no positive influence in the progress of human kind. It really sometimes gets to me and I feel less of a human when I have a bad day. Honestly I feel bad with the fact that most blacks are not trying to fight all those negative stereotypes and cant have a more civilised attitude. In fact, mosr of them do exactly what the stereotypes imply and those few of them like me that are trying to change our image can do nothing. This political correctness that is currently poisoning the western societies is even worse and is actually making blacks behave like sh*t knowing that they can always get away with many things by labeling whites as racists. It makes me sick. :jackit:

What the hell man why are you so self hating? or are you just a white guy keyboard warrior trying to troll the f*** out of everyone in a really scummy kinda way.

white men are usually stronger? I dont even get this statement, it doesnt really make any sense? you have stats on this?

Black people have invented plenty of things.....I'm defending black people and im not even black...... You're either a really demented troll or have an EXTREMELY self-hating attitude with a skewed perception of the world. Get some help either way.


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Mp1990 said:
I agree that the political correctness in America at least, is preventing some AA people from moving forward as it allows them to develop an irrational hostility towards white people and blame them for anything and everything.

...what are you taking about there's a black president...

And as for white guys being stronger, look at the NFL the majority is black guys and that doesn't just endurance that takes tremendous strength and their all natural. Plus the biggest bodybuilder of all time is black, Ronnie Coleman. The only white guys that are naturally stronger, are the exceptions in the world's strongest tournaments and majority of them are of Slavic origins.

Plus if your black your probably taller and have a bigger dick and look good with a shaved head.

Actually blacks are not taller and do not have bigger dicks. These are just myths and no study proved it while there are medical evidence that blacks are built more for endurance rather than strength.

There was never a black Worlds Strongest Man, the only competitive black guy was O.D. Wilson. Porwerlifting and weightlifting is also dominated by whites. NFL is not a sport where you can compare brute strength as they are not competeng there to test it, but to score points.

"I agree about black peoples hairlines, since they almost always go for razor straight with buzz cuts. Black people with mild diffuse thinning its hard to tell tho cuz afro hair fills up a lot of space, even when its a short buzz. Also its hard to see your bald spots cuz your hair and skin is almost the same color... So In general, I think black people tolerate thinning and bald spots better and receding hairlines worse."

Yeah I think so.

"Black people have invented plenty of things"

Well... name them and compare this to whites and asians.

And no I am not a troll. I may be self hating but many people here do. But regardless my point is valid.


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monty1978 said:
Well I have known a lot of black people when I worked in London and was actually a minority in the particular building I worked in. At the time I was heavily into diet and exercise and quite vain generally.

My best mate there and a lot of other guys but particularly Richard had a much stronger better body than me and he was a decade older and did absoulutely f*ck all. He didn't even eat meat the bastard!

Bloody soya milk and muesli.

He was 13.5 stone and well built eating I dunno about 2500 calories a day. I was 12.5 and in good shape admittedly eating 3500 calories a day and spending twice as much money on food!

Apart from Sirhan everyone else was fairly well built as well and apart from Dez who trained hard and was massive they were all ripped and did nothing!

I've known some people who are white who are naturally ripped without working out.


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The negative feelings towards myself yes. That is obvious as I experienced humiliation, hate, aggresion since early childhood. The general view is correct, a black man these days can be as succesful as any other yet the stigma of the past will always be there and many black people will follow it disallowing it to disappear. Anyway this was a hair loss topic lol. I guess I kinda proved my point that black men do not take balding any better it's just that they are bound to the shaved look from the very early stages of hair loss as it is a must from them to look good. I think that black men actually think opposite and think they are in worse situation as they cannot comb their hair and hide bald spots or receding hairlines.

I guess when a man suffers he always thinks others have it better.


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LooseItAll said:
I think that black men actually think opposite and think they are in worse situation as they cannot comb their hair and hide bald spots or receding hairlines.

^ this

This is about the only thing I agree with you on. Being black with aggressive hairloss is a b**ch for us. If we start to lose it, our only option is to shave it all off.