Being treated like I am crazy


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I have noticed a steady decline in the quality of my hair. For starters if my head is under very bright light you can see scalp, my hairline is receeding slowly into a norwood 2 and at the back of my head I have a massive cowlick developing just below my crown area. The latter has happened in the space of 2 months. My total hair density is 75%, only now a matter of time until it decreases.

Needless to say, everybody is at this moment in time is telling me that I am crazy and that my hair is thick, for now it is. And yes at the moment I am a NW1, but at 24, losing hair means that I will probably in 10 years hit the NW5-6 mark. I think that I am slowly diffuse thinning.

This has pretty much depressed me, I am thinking about starting finasteride, but then I am also unsure about if I am truely balding, and the long term side effects make me weary.

My male cousins are just taking the piss out of me because they think I am crazy for thinking I am balding. Dad is teasing me, females in the family are telling me to piss off.

Hairloss sucks.


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i can see how they feel if you go up to them every day talking about your male pattern baldness. people have their own problems they dont give a sh*t about yours


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dudemon said:
Oknow said:
I have noticed a steady decline in the quality of my hair. For starters if my head is under very bright light you can see scalp, my hairline is receeding slowly into a norwood 2 and at the back of my head I have a massive cowlick developing just below my crown area. The latter has happened in the space of 2 months. My total hair density is 75%, only now a matter of time until it decreases.

Needless to say, everybody is at this moment in time is telling me that I am crazy and that my hair is thick, for now it is. And yes at the moment I am a NW1, but at 24, losing hair means that I will probably in 10 years hit the NW5-6 mark. I think that I am slowly diffuse thinning.

This has pretty much depressed me, I am thinking about starting finasteride, but then I am also unsure about if I am truely balding, and the long term side effects make me weary.

My male cousins are just taking the piss out of me because they think I am crazy for thinking I am balding. Dad is teasing me, females in the family are telling me to piss off.

Hairloss sucks.

I doubt you will be a NW5 in 10 years. I was a NW4+ at your age of 24. If you can get on the hair meds, you shouldn't have much to worry about, and will retain most of what you have.

But without the meds, who knows? :dunno:

I have taken finasteride for almost 10 years and have never had any side effects. In fact, on Merck's websites, they say that "only 2% of men who use Propecia will experience side effects, which are only temporary provided the use is stopped" or something of that nature.

I think a lot of guys on here are just "paranoid" about possibly having side effects from it, and are afraid of it. IMO, probably about 90% of the guys on this site that say they can't take finasteride are just paranoid.

A lot of men in their 40's and 50's have to take dutasteride for their prostate which is more potent finasteride. Even they don't even get side effects from dutasteride.

You will inherit male pattern baldness from your father, or either of your grandfathers (your mom's or dad's). If any of those 3 have had premature male pattern baldness, there is a chance you could get premature male pattern baldness that will most likely be similar to theirs (amount of loss and agewise). Obviously if 2 out of 3 of them have it your chances increase, and if all 3 of them have it, you will most likely get it too.

Of course it works the other way too. Even if one of them is completely NW7 by 30 years old, you still may never get any hairloss or only minimal loss. Other the other hand, if all 3 of them are NW7 by their mid 30's to 40's, you will most likely follow their hairloss pattern.

Your cousins and uncles will also give you an indication of what you will look like, as their hairloss (if they have any) will also follow a similar pattern.

Do you get brainfog dude? I am a Computing Scientist by academia, and that would be deadly for me. Worse side effect.

I am also worried that I will become propecia dependent if I took it.

My dad kept a thick full of head until his 50s, I know when he got married at around 33 odd, and had me and my bro he had a bush of a mane. He must have became a horseshoe around 40-50.

My cousins all have hairlines that have remained unchange over these years (28 and 29), I have definently lost some hair. For the most hairline I don't care about, but its the crown and the loss of density on top that is bothering me.

My uncles: Only one on my mothers side went bald prematurly. I asked him how he lost it, he told me heavy shedding, but this is why this is puzzling me, I am not shedding a lot. Only 10-15 max in the shower. On the pillow its rare that I find a lot of hair and yet I have some degree of hairloss.

The others are losing it, but they are now in their 50s. One is hitting a NW3 then, another is now a horseshoe, with two being a NW2 on my mothers side. All diffuse thinning to some degree. Father's side, not sure.


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If no one can tell you are going bald then I'd consider yourself lucky. Maybe you are exaggerating the hair loss in your own mind.


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toocoolforhair said:
If no one can tell you are going bald then I'd consider yourself lucky. Maybe you are exaggerating the hair loss in your own mind.

It is ok now, in terms of cosmetically, but that does not mean that it won't worsen in the next year or so. Crown.





I just got my haircut, need to get some pics taken.


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Based on those pictures I'd have said you had 0% hair loss. Lots of people have those tiny bald patches on their crowns. I put you in the category of "full head of hair". I'm not going to call you crazy, but you are worrying over nothing. I think even the most avid of norwood watchers would be hard pressed to call you balding.
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toocoolforhair said:
I think even the most avid of norwood watchers would be hard pressed to call you balding.

:laugh: Marvelous...Love the word use.


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Thanks for that Dude. As for diffuse thinning, here is the top of my head with extreme flash:



Scalp is showing through, don't know if this is a cause for concern.


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dudemon said:
Well you might have a little loss in your crown or vertex area. But are you wearing any kind of gel? It looks like you are going for the "wet look" If so, that will make it look thinner - like it's "wet"

Anyways, keep an eye on it. You could go to a derm and have them take a look. If it were me in your shoes, I'd just keep an eye on it. If you catch it right away, you can prevent it from getting way out of wack and preserve it with the meds. (like mine! :mrgreen:).

If you do have male pattern baldness, and you don't do the meds (finasteride and minoxidil), it will only progress. The meds work better and have a much higher chance of working and actually recovering what you have lost the sooner you start on them.

So you should keep an eye on it. It's good that you have pics. Take some more pics with exactly the same light, and from the same angles with the same camera, a couple months and compare. Do a "zoom" in and look up close.

Yep, I am wearing a generous amount of hair wax at the moment.

Yeah I have been doing the zoom in like you have said, it has only just made me more and more paranoid.

Immediately after I saw that photo, I took a picture of the back of my head to see how my "cowlick" is doing:


Unchanged by the looks of it.

This was taken last week at a party.


Been to a trichologist already, all they told me is that my hairline is receeding, with myself being a NW1. So I don't know. :dunno:


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Have to say it, doesn't look to me like you're losing.


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:sobbing: I feel so sorry for you with such severe hairloss, get a Headblade and start hitting the gym ASAP! :(

Bald Dave

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You don't have any hairloss!!!

If people are calling you crazy then they are right :hump:

Bald Dave

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Been to a trichologist already, all they told me is that my hairline is receeding, with myself being a NW1. So I don't know. :dunno:[/quote]

Did the trichologist say that you've got blonde hair as well??? Seriously you've got no receeding hairline and if your trichologist is saying you have then he/she is the biggest idiot on this planet!


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Wow this is like the worst case of crown-dysmorphia i have seen around here ...
most kids show more scalp than that , also considering the dark hair and flash .

How in the world did you get the idea you were thinning? Just took some pics out of boredom and looked for any amount of scalp ?

Also I don't get why people post these kind of hairline pics ?! Not pulled back at all and styled into a perfect straight line so nobody can tell anything :thumbdown2:


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Jack said:
Wow this is like the worst case of crown-dysmorphia i have seen around here ...
most kids show more scalp than that , also considering the dark hair and flash .

How in the world did you get the idea you were thinning? Just took some pics out of boredom and looked for any amount of scalp ?

Also I don't get why people post these kind of hairline pics ?! Not pulled back at all and styled into a perfect straight line so nobody can tell anything :thumbdown2:

You can see my hairline in other threads, but just for you:



There it is.

Oh because my hair does feel thinner on top, I remember when it used to be so dense you couldn't see scalp even in the most harshest light.


The hairline is a big pain in the arse when it comes to styling my hair, but I am definently content with it.

Mens Rea

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is this a f*****g piss take?

you've got more hair than ive ever had at any point in my f*****g life.

I understand that maybe just maybe you are showing the earliest possible signs of minor male pattern baldness or even just a maturing hairline, but c'mon man atleast wait and see for sure rather than stressing out and putting up photos at such an early stage. Maybe you are crazy