Best Advice To A Young male pattern baldness Sufferer? The


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Don't read into finasteride horror stories; get on finasteride as soon as you notice something is "off" (e.g., excessive hair fall, hair looking "different").


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What advice would you guys give to a young individual who is slowly starting to bald? I know a lot of you guys always mention using finasteride earlier which is one key thing to take note of.

However If you were to go back in time, back to when you first started losing your hair.. what would you have done differently to help save it?
Besides finasteride and minoxidil, what other options would you think we have for early loss? If you are genetically going to bald, it's going to happen even if you are on medication. However, just at a much slower rate if you don't have aggressive genes.


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The person who I believe myself to be taking after was Norwood 6 by 45. I think he was Norwood 6 anyway, from the photo's I've looked at he still had hair rising from the back of his head which I assume suggests he was a 6 not 7.. Is this considered massively aggressive?



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What advice would you guys give to a young individual who is slowly starting to bald? I know a lot of you guys always mention using finasteride earlier which is one key thing to take note of.

However If you were to go back in time, back to when you first started losing your hair.. what would you have done differently to help save it?
I'm in your position at the moment, I'm 19. I'm on spironolactone, Finasteride and Minoxidil to try get it back. So when I'm older no matter what my hair is like I'll look back and know I did everything possible..

Jack Ito

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I'm in your position at the moment, I'm 19. I'm on spironolactone, Finasteride and Minoxidil to try get it back. So when I'm older no matter what my hair is like I'll look back and know I did everything possible..

That's a very good way of looking at it. How bad was your hairloss before you started treatments? I'd do exactly what you're doing now but I feel as though 19 is just too young to commit yourself to a lifelong medication. It's best to only take when a necessity in my opinion.. as soon as I see the slightest bit of thinning beyond my mature hairline I'm jumping onto the big 3.

Jack Ito

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It's a joke man. Unfortunately the only worthwhile treatments are finasteride and minoxidil. Or if it's really agressive dutasteride, and even some tranny drugs which I wouldn't recommend.

Sadly I know, I suppose I'm kind of fortunate in a sense.. by the time I start properly balding there might be something different available to us in terms of treatments and procedures. Then again there might not be, who knows..


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Get on finasteride and minoxidil ASAP because it's the only thing that's gonna save your hair and the side effects are overblown and probably won't happen.


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I'm sure some people have seen my thread...I'm the 21 year old with almost no hair left on the top of my head...a Norwood 5 or 6. I'm not on any treatments at all. Well, actually that's kind of not true because I came across 3 bottles of Rogaine I had bought over a year ago and only used for 2 weeks and then gave up...I decided rather than just let it go to waste, I'll use the rest up and see if it does anything at all. But treatments.

What would I do differently? Well, I had medium length hair up until 15 or 16 and therefore wasn't aware that the balding had already started a little. Then I buzzed my hair short and realized it was already thinning and my hairline was receding. I guess maybe I would've started finasteride at that point if I could go back. Some of the side effects have always scared me, but side effects for the acne drug accutane also scared me and I eventually went on that for a year with no major problems.

But really, I think my hairloss has been so genetically extreme that who knows if any medication would've done much at all. I could go on all this stuff now and maybe I'd see some regrowth, but the way I look at it is, if it's not going to be much, I'd rather not have to deal with the hassle of taking medication, having to schedule more doctors appointments than I already have, etc.

So in my case there's really not much I can do but wait for a future "cure" to be developed. In the meantime I try to buzz my sides and back super short and keep the top a little longer (even though it's thin and looks dead haha)...that's all I can do. My life would probably be better with full hair, but I'm lucky to have it pretty decent otherwise.


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I'm in your position at the moment, I'm 19. I'm on spironolactone, Finasteride and Minoxidil to try get it back. So when I'm older no matter what my hair is like I'll look back and know I did everything possible..
Dude i said the exact same thing months ago on here lol, im 20. Since you are on spironolactone you should get on oral minoxidil. ( loniten ) i am on it and im improving finally at the temples and hairline!


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I'm sure some people have seen my thread...I'm the 21 year old with almost no hair left on the top of my head...a Norwood 5 or 6. I'm not on any treatments at all. Well, actually that's kind of not true because I came across 3 bottles of Rogaine I had bought over a year ago and only used for 2 weeks and then gave up...I decided rather than just let it go to waste, I'll use the rest up and see if it does anything at all. But treatments.

What would I do differently? Well, I had medium length hair up until 15 or 16 and therefore wasn't aware that the balding had already started a little. Then I buzzed my hair short and realized it was already thinning and my hairline was receding. I guess maybe I would've started finasteride at that point if I could go back. Some of the side effects have always scared me, but side effects for the acne drug accutane also scared me and I eventually went on that for a year with no major problems.

But really, I think my hairloss has been so genetically extreme that who knows if any medication would've done much at all. I could go on all this stuff now and maybe I'd see some regrowth, but the way I look at it is, if it's not going to be much, I'd rather not have to deal with the hassle of taking medication, having to schedule more doctors appointments than I already have, etc.

So in my case there's really not much I can do but wait for a future "cure" to be developed. In the meantime I try to buzz my sides and back super short and keep the top a little longer (even though it's thin and looks dead haha)...that's all I can do. My life would probably be better with full hair, but I'm lucky to have it pretty decent otherwise.
Nahte get on dutasteride and loniten, give it a shot. You might find the results to be spectacular. Technically your loss is recent so you may be able to get back alot of hair.