Best Excuse After Hair Transplant Fue Surgery


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Hi guys, plase suggest best excuses after hair surgery. I'm planning to do fue operation and go back to work after 2-3 weeks and wear beanie hat. I never worned a hat before so probably I will get some weird questions.

As far as I know I will loose transplanted hair in two to three weeks so I was thinking to tell that I had some strange allergy reaction and lose some hair and I'm not feeling relaxed without a hat. I think this is a good excuse. My doctor said he will give me apology document for the work.

My hairloss isn't noticable at all because I'm using Dermmatch so no one thinks I need a hair transplant. I think no one will assume because I won't be wearing Dermmatch and actually hair loss will be visible. I also think people expect more hair after hair transplant and not a hair loss so this won't be logical at them.

Any better suggestion?


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Personally, I am really not a fan of hiding the fact that you have had a procedure done. I informed friends and colleagues before the procedure, and everyone was only supportive and curious. If anything, they admired the fact that I am looking after my appearance. You're having a great thing done to yourself, so I'd say flaunt it!

If you insist on hiding it, I would suggest simply telling them you shaved your head, which is exactly how it will look. However, in time they will figure it out anyway.
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Hi guys, plase suggest best excuses after hair surgery. I'm planning to do fue operation and go back to work after 2-3 weeks and wear beanie hat. I never worned a hat before so probably I will get some weird questions.

As far as I know I will loose transplanted hair in two to three weeks so I was thinking to tell that I had some strange allergy reaction and lose some hair and I'm not feeling relaxed without a hat. I think this is a good excuse. My doctor said he will give me apology document for the work.

My hairloss isn't noticable at all because I'm using Dermmatch so no one thinks I need a hair transplant. I think no one will assume because I won't be wearing Dermmatch and actually hair loss will be visible. I also think people expect more hair after hair transplant and not a hair loss so this won't be logical at them.

Any better suggestion?

Hey man,
I had hair transplant 6 weeks ago and returned back to work on 21th day post op. I was totally paranoid as i didn't want anybody to find out i had hair transplant. and in my case nobody noticed i have smth done. For now.
But yes, it depends on few things. I started shaving head 4months before procedure so it wasnt weird when i came back to work with shaved head. Other thing that matters is how big the procedure is. I had 2000grafts on the frontal area and after 3weeks was ok. Still some redness, but way better than at 2 weeks mark. I would suggest you aloe vera gel after procedure. It helps with healing. It also depends on how good your surgeon is, for ex. i can shave my donor area with 3mm guard and nobody could tell i had it done.
If you can wear a hat at work then you won. I have pretty ''serious" job so hat or anything on my head is no go. I would suggest you not to worry to much. You will be very happy in the next few months.


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Severe dermatitis to explain redness and temporary loss of hair. It can work for people who don't know much about hair transplantations.


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I mean I just acted like I had a terrible haircut. Told two or three people who were brave enough to ask me outright and otherwise wore a hat for three or four months solid. Obviously people were suspicious and I endured a few tactless comments, but joke's on them, the hat phase is over and these follicles are seeing the light of day.


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Im getting 1800 graft fue done next month and i will have four weeks off after it, im not getting my recipient area shaven and as i comb my hair forward as it is, will i be able to get away unnoticed if i leave my hair on top grow long to cover the transplanted area?


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Im getting 1800 graft fue done next month and i will have four weeks off after it, im not getting my recipient area shaven and as i comb my hair forward as it is, will i be able to get away unnoticed if i leave my hair on top grow long to cover the transplanted area?

Yeah man, don't worry. 4 weeks are enough. Nobody will notice.