Best Face Cleanser


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A bit off-topic, but I figure you guys would have some good advice. What do you all recommend for a good facial cleanser, i.e. something to use in the morning, night, or after a workout.

I've used all sorts of stuff that worked reasonably well such as Cetaphil, Noxema, Neutrogena, Clearasil, etc.



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I Just started using the Proactive stuff. Works great and doesn't dry out your face.


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Oily...? Any recommendations?

The Gardener

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Ooookay.. well, my gf works for a dermatologist, and this is what he told me. Now, keep in mind that this is just his opinion as expressed to me, and that he has not seen any of you so this is not consultational advice.

First off, he says you should wash your face twice a day with soap and water. No, not some fancy 'soap-free skin wash' or such and such brand facial cleanser, but just plain good old soap and water. He does say to stay away from harsher soaps such as Ivory (even though it it 'pure', it is a very strong soap) and you should instead stick with a milder soap such as Lever 2000 or even Dove. He says that it is important for good skin health that sebum and dead skin be removed from your face, and washing with soap is the best way to do it. Yes, the soap will remove some of the 'good' oil along with the bad, but it is more important that 'bad' or excessive oil, and the dead skin, be removed.

He then recommended using a daily chemical exfoliant, something with Alpha Hydroxy Acid in it. Right after cleansing, the AHA exfoliant should be applied in a very thin layer, and left on. I do this in the evenings. After that, he recommends a moisturizer. As my skin tends to be slightly oily, I use a very light oil-free moisturizer in the evenings, and the same thing with sunscreen at least SPF 30 in it for the mornings. If you have drier skin, you might want to use a slightly heavier moisturizer.

The funny thing is that he says that moisturizer has exactly zero benefit to the health of your skin. Well, it helps the skin LOOK better because it adds artificial moisture to an outer layer of dried dead skin that we all have, but it has no theraputic benefit to the long term health of your living inner skin tissues. He says the most important thing is to use a sunscreen, and to make sure you clean your face thouroughly with soap and water. He thinks the AHA is important too, because the daily use of the AHA actually prods the facial skin cells to turn over more rapidly, which helps keep skin youthful and this DOES have a long term benefit to your living skin tissue health.

Thats it. Its actually a very simple routine.


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Thanks for the advice, Gardener.

Do you have any specific products in mind? That is, what exact exfoliant do you use, etc.?



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Good post Gardener,

I bought a bunch of small bath cloths, and use a new one ever time I wash my face 2X/day. You can't really get your face clean unless you use a wash cloth to exfoliate. I don't use any fancy soap either. I usually apply a non-alcholic toner, which prevents drying. The best skin toner Ive ever used is actually Crew Revitalize, the same stuff you use for your hair. The green tea tones, removes oil, and closes poors, the saw pametto decreases sebum and the cu peptides reverse aging! The stuff makes your skin look awesome.

I then apply non-oil sunscreen, which I agree is the most important since 75% of skin aging and wrinkle are caused from UV radiation from the sun.

The Gardener

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Drinkrum, here is what I use:

Soap - Lever2000

AHA Exfoliator - Alpha Hydrox brand 10% AHA Anti-Wrinkle Exfoliating Cream. Alpha Hydrox also sells the 10% AHA in a lotion form, but the cream seems to suit my face well. Here is a link to their website, there is a store locator link that will tell you who sells it nearby you. I get mine at Rite Aid. A jar of it lasts a month and a half to two months.

Sunscreen/Moisturizer: Neutrogena Oil-Free Facial Moisturizer with SPF 30

And JesusFreak, GREAT points... yes, use a washcloth with the soap and I too give my face the 'money shot' of American Crew Revitalize after my evening shower, as in the evenings I don't have sunscreen on. I just started using the Revitalize and haven't noticed anything different on the scalp yet, but it does make my face feel great!


sorry to bring the tone of a very informative thread down a level or two but I just can't help myself

drinkrum said:

A bit off-topic, but I figure you guys would have some good advice. What do you all recommend for a good facial cleanser, i.e. something to use in the morning, night, or after a workout.

I use my tounge

for further in-depth, and some might say essential, information on this subject check out the •• OH MY GOD!! THEY FOUND THE CURE!! •• thread, it has saved many a persons life, there is currently no entrance fee but if you could see you way to adding a post before leaving that would be considered polite


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What i have used and does a superb job at is Loreal Pure Zone.......i dont get all three i just get the first step with the clothes and the second step which makes your pores shrink in size so your skin looks smoother.
It works(like i said for me) but like every other product every made it is different for every person.