BEST faked hairtranslant before/after pics I ever seen. HAHA


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Umm why are they faked? :dunno: looks like pretty ordinary stuff to me.


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I don't think they are faked. I've seen a lot worse.


Experienced Member
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That's Dr. Rassman's site.

Some of his results are fairly unimpressive but they aren't faked by any means.


hmm.. strange!!!
have they removed some of the faked once or is it my Propacia side effects make me see strange faked photos everywhere??


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They look ok. Nothing to get so excited about


Experienced Member
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haha. this one is by far the best. in the first one, dude looks like he was woke up at 3 in the morning and punched in the face. second one he'd like to know if you'll join him for a drink down at the martini bar!



Established Member
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I hate how these pictures are taken.. a single angle, different lighting etc.

IMO, Rasmman is horrible. He drew a 5 year old's hairline and said that it would be the right way to go with me. I think he's unethical, and SO expensive, and his results are unimpressive. Steer away, fast.


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Manutd4545 said:
Rassman is one of the most experienced and trusted hair transplant surgeons in the world. He is not a scammer.If you read his site 'balding blog' you would notice that he wants wants best for you not his bank account balance. He is expensive because you are paying for experience and reassurance, something you cannot guarantee form all doctors.

Yeah right.

Anyone who draws a NW1 hairline on a guy who has nw6 potential (me) is either unskilled or unethical. His results don't look great either, and the lighting/angles on his pics are gamed.

Go look at H&W - that's a real clinic. Way cheaper, WAY better results, and much more ethical. Same goes for Rahal and several of the other top docs. NHI is not considered a top clinic.

uncomfortable man

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Not fake, but not that impressive either. Especially considering most of those guys had minimal hairloss to begin with. Very few NW6s in there.

uncomfortable man

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Statistics hold true for that sample. Most of them had a badly receeded hairline, but didn't extend past the first quarter of their vertex. Only a relative few were full on bald to begin with. Which one do you think has the better chance of getting back to at least a thick nw2? Doesn't really matter because I don't trust those pictures or NHI anyway. I've been to one of their open houses and spoke with an nw6 who got multiple hair transplant's only to have a thin veil of hair and still an obvious horseshoe. Couldn't help but feel bad for him and distain for the company.