Best hair transplant doctors specialized in lowering hairloss


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Id really like to even out my hairline shape the sides and actually lower it a bit. What hair transplant doctors specialize in these kind of procedures. I live in Toronto, I'm not sure if any of the best of the best workout of Canada. But soon enough I'll be willing to go to anywhere in the world for the best most natural results! Let me know guys as all right thank you very much for sharing your experience and knowledge .


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nobody good In Toronto. Closest reputable surgeon would be Dr. Rahal in Ottawa, a H&W in Vancover.

most if not all will never lower the hairline for those with hereditary hair loss. donor availability and for the fact that it will look very wrong once you continue to recede

the forelock is where you can expect your hairline to be. but again, they never give a straight hairline, more of a widows peak V.

that being said if you don't have male pattern baldness their is a possibility for hairline lowering


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Why do they never provide a straight hairline? If I pay out the funds I'm sure they'll do what I want and I believe that very real maintenance options if not treatments are coming to fruition.HIV, spinal cord injury etc. a lot of things are becoming treatable slowly. male pattern baldness will definitely be a part of that technology is making leaps and bounds.

So nobody in To, A few reputable in Canada. But who's the best in the best for hairline lowering, like a specialist with abundant experience very notable etc.

Besides I'm not even sure I do have male pattern baldness, and I'm starting very early to maintain. And let's say no treatments come technology never advances the most cynical Outlook I'll just shaved my hair right down to the scalp. Like vin! So I'm not too worried about an abnormal look. Just like to get rid of this above average forehead it's displeasing


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It's a matter of ethics, honesty and doing what's in a patient's best interest. Being age appropriate is a term they toss around

The only way I can see this happening is if you go for a tricho test, and the surgeon can verify you're within and not to far off a final pattern. Meaning no miniturization and dht related activity in the scalp. I've seen this done before where the patient had .5-1cm added to their hairline

They do these calculations also based on measurements for symmetry. If your Forelock is within a reasonable range then I dought they'd lower something that's not abnormal to beginbwith


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Sorry but what is a forelock? You telling they've never done hair transplants to help temple recession of people that are potentially balding? I left at about 3 inches from my eyebrow but the right is 3 1/2 needs to be fixed IMO


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Forelock is the middle island where your hairline is. That's the placement height where most surgeons will place the hairline. Of course the temples are adressed.

U asked if they will lower the hairline from its natural native placement


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Why do they never provide a straight hairline?

A truly straight hairline usually looks dumb, so it's rarely done, thankfully.

I think maybe your question is badly phrased, in a way which makes it sound like you're asking for something which most doctors won't do. Just ask which doctors do the best hairlines. If you're asking for something dumb, hopefully the doctor will explain why. There are plenty of doctors who will take your money though. It's a very corrupt industry.

If you only need to lower your hairline a half inch, it's probably not worth getting a hair transplant. It would be like getting breast implants to go from a 36 inch bust to a 38 inch bust. Nobody else will notice, you're creating a bunch of scarring for basically no good reason, and you are taking on the risks of a hair transplant (if the transplanted hair doesn't look right, or the surgery causes more hair loss, etc) with a relatively trivial payoff.


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Hair transplants are definitely a method to lower the hairline there is also a pretty intense forehead reduction and I believe on here I read the two procedures can be done together , so why is it so dumb to ask about getting the hairline lowered surgeons that are renowned for doing it amazingly?

I thought these days there transplants was becoming pretty solid with little side effects? Hair transplant can cause additional hair loss shedding is normal but actual permanent loss?supposed to be almost unnoticeable. As for my temple It's pretty noticeable a half inch really affects the hairline. I figure if I find the best and get it done I'm already maintaining what I have long before I need to. And histogen showing real results for the future so I won't donor hairs to cover my entire scalp later on...


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lol 'forehead reduction' is an out dated butch method that never went viral.


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I see, honestly it sounded pretty intense when I did read up on it. What about the efficiency and safety of hair transplants as I stated above I thought it was becoming pretty optimal as I said


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Widows peak is the best hairline. classic look.


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How about Dr. Walter Unger? Works out of Toronoto and Manhattan. He is from Toronto however

In my opinion, he is a dinosaur. He is one of the old timers of hair transplantation. I'm not even sure if he even does a contemporary 100% "follicular unit" transplant, using high powered microscopes for magnification during graft dissection (not magnifiers which are inferior, I mean high powered microscopes). How old is Dr Unger now? I'm kind of surprised he's still practicing. Many guys on this forum are interested in FUE (follicular unit extraction) while Dr Unger performs "strip excision" graft harvesting, which is more invasive, and a lot of guys are rejecting the procedure on those grounds.

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Hair transplants are definitely a method to lower the hairline there is also a pretty intense forehead reduction and I believe on here I read the two procedures can be done together , so why is it so dumb to ask about getting the hairline lowered surgeons that are renowned for doing it amazingly?

Any kind of scalp reduction is a nightmare, unless you are severely disfigured by a fire, industrial accident, car accident, etc (in which case, it still sucks really really bad, but it's better than nothing)

I thought these days there transplants was becoming pretty solid with little side effects?

The biggest risk is that your doctor does a bad job and your transplant looks obvious. That's a real issue for plenty of guys. Running out of donor hair is another problem for many guys.

Hair transplant can cause additional hair loss shedding is normal but actual permanent loss?

Absolutely, it can be. Ask your doctor for a written guarantee, if he promises that your transplant won't cause permanent shedding.

And histogen showing real results for the future so I won't donor hairs to cover my entire scalp later on...

PRP, Recell and Histogen seem bogus to me, just my opinion. Certainly in the category of "donor regeneration" they seem like complete nonsense. (Look up Dr Gho and Dr Bazan, it seems to be the same old story). It's foolish to get a hair transplant now, with the expectation that there will be a big scientific breakthrough to save your butt later.