Best minerals and nutrients?


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I'm planning on buying some minerals/vitamins etc. in bulk powder or what form I can get.

So far I plan on buying Silica,Biotin and MSM. Is there any other supplements I could add to give my hair the optium conditions for regrowth? In other words what are the best supplements I can get?


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You could add some Omega oils as well...

I can't remember the details but there are some studies that suggest Omega 3 can benefit hair health...

As a matter of fact, anything that benefits your body will benefit your hair growth. However, that doesn't mean they stop hairloss.


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Yes , I've heard that somewhere , I actually forgot to say I was taking 2grams everyday. Either way despite hair or not , Omega 3 is meant to be very benificial for your joints and heart.

Anything else?


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decro435 said:
I'm planning on buying some minerals/vitamins etc. in bulk powder or what form I can get.

So far I plan on buying Silica,Biotin and MSM. Is there any other supplements I could add to give my hair the optium conditions for regrowth? In other words what are the best supplements I can get?

so...what is MSM?? i see it on here all the time


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What Is It?

Although you may never have heard of it, the organic sulfur compound known as MSM (short for methylsulfonylmethane) is contained in minute amounts in everyone's blood and most foods. It's unclear what role MSM plays in the complex chemistry of the human body, but some experts believe that, like other sulfur compounds, it's a necessary building block for proteins, especially those found in the hair, muscles, and connective tissue of the joints and skin. Sulfur also is found in insulin and bile acid.

Now widely available in concentrated supplement form, MSM has been much publicized of late as an effective remedy for back pain, arthritis and a host of other disorders. Evidence for its healing potential, however, is currently only word of mouth, because few rigorously controlled scientific studies have yet been done concerning MSM use in humans. Still, testimonials abound from those who use it regularly.

MSM supplements are made from DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), an industrial solvent that the FDA has approved for only one use--a bladder disorder called interstitial cystitis. Years ago, enthusiasts hailed DMSO as a remedy for a variety of ailments, particularly arthritis, but the noxious smell it caused in user’s breath and body odors seriously lessened its appeal. It also caused toxic effects in some people. MSM is thought to have many of DMSO's advantages without the smell or toxicity.

Health Benefits

MSM appears to inhibit pain impulses that travel along nerve fibers, acting as an analgesic. This property, along with the compound's potential anti-inflammatory actions, are often cited in explaining its use for combating the symptoms of arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome and allergies.

In addition, MSM may reduce muscle spasms, increase blood flow and possibly contribute to the maintenance and repair of Cartilage. Studies in rats indicate that MSM may help to delay the growth of certain types of cancerous tumors.

Specifically, MSM may help to:

· Relieve arthritis symptoms. Those who use MSM supplements contend that it not only helps treat osteoarthritis--the degenerative form of arthritis that wears down cartilage over time--but rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and other autoimmune-related conditions as well (1,2).

Numerous studies have shown that sulfur levels in arthritic joints are lower than in healthy joints. MSM may help by delivering needed sulfur to the afflicted areas. Once in the joints, exactly how MSM works remains unclear: It may exert an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect similar to that of aspirin.

It may also help to maintain or repair cartilage, the gel-like substance that cushions joints and that is a key ingredient of connective tissue. In a preliminary, double-blind study of 16 patients with degenerative arthritis, the pateints who took 2,250 mg of MSM daily for six weeks reported an 82% reduction in pain on average. Only two of those takng the Placebo reported decreased pain--about 20%.

· Treat chronic back pain. Taken in conjunction with supplements such as SAMe and glucosamine sulfate, MSM may be useful for treating chronic back pain resulting from muscle strain, ligament sprain, or the early degenerative changes that can affect joints and discs in the back. Advanced disc disease does not appear to respond to MSM treatment, however.

· Slow cancer development. Several rat an in vitro studies have shown that MSM significantly slows the development of mammary and colon tumors when the laboratory animals were given chemicals designed to cause cancer (3,4). In these studies, MSM did not prevent cancer, but it did delay it (5). In the breast cancer study, for instance, MSM stalled the appearance of tumors by an average of 100 days. (The equivalent of about 10 human years). Much more research is needed to determine if MSM can truly slow the progress of cancer in humans.

· Reduce allergy symptoms. MSM may block histamines, compounds that can irritate and inflame the membranes of the nose, eyes, and throat. Some people have found MSM more effective than antihistamines for allergies, without the side effects so common in standard prescription and over-the-counter drugs (6,7).


Dosage Information

· For arthritis: Take 500 mg two or three times a day. Using MSM cream or gel in addition to the supplement may provide extra benefit. Rub the cream on the painful area four or five times a day for best results.

· For back pain: Take 500 mg three times a day. Using MSM cream or gel in addition to the supplement may provide extra benefit. Rub the cream on the painful area four or five times a day for best results.

· For allergy symptoms: Take 500 mg twice a day.

Be sure to check out our Whole Health MD Dosage Recommendations Chart for MSM, which lists therapeutic dosages for specific ailments at a glance.

Guidelines for Use

Take MSM with or directly after meals to lessen the possibility of gastrointestinal upset.

If you find that MSM increases your energy level, avoid taking it too close to bedtime.

For most ailments, allow at least a month to see results.

General Interaction

· If you are on a blood thinner (anticoagulant), such as aspirin or warfarin (Coumadin), consult with your doctor before taking MSM. It can occasionally have a blood-thinning effect.

Note: For information on interactions with specific generic drugs, see our WholeHealthMD Drug/Nutrient Interactions Chart.

Possible Side Effects

· Because no rigorously controlled studies of MSM usage of any length have been done in humans, long-term effects are not presently known.

· Some people develop minor gastrointestinal discomfort, such as cramping and increased stool frequency with MSM use.

· In rare cases, a skin rash may appear. Stop using MSM if this or any other allergic reaction occurs.


· Don't use MSM as a replacement for conventional medications prescribed by your doctor.

· Consult your doctor before beginning supplementation with MSM if you are currently taking blood thinning drugs. MSM may exacerbate the action of these medications.


Kim LS, Axelrod LJ, Howard P, Buratovich N, Waters RF. Efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in osteoarthritis pain of the knee: a pilot clinical trial. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2005 Nov 22; [Epub ahead of print].
Murav’ev IuV, Venikova MS, Pleskovskaia GN, et al. Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfone on a destructive process in the joints of mice with spontaneous arthritis. Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter.1991;2:37–39.
McCabe D, O’Dwyer P, Sickle-Santanello B, et al. Polar solvents in the chemoprevention of dimethylbenzanthracene-induced rat mammary cancer. Arch Surg. 1986;121:1455–1459.
O'Dwyer PJ, McCabe DP, Sickle-Santanello BJ, et al. Use of polar solvents in chemoprevention of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon cancer. Cancer. 1988;62:944–948.
Ebisuzaki K. Aspirin and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): a search for common mechanisms, with implications for cancer prevention. Anticancer Res. 2003 Jan-Feb;23(1A):453-8.
Parcell S. Sulfur in human nutrition and applications in medicine. Altern Med Rev. 2002 Feb;7(1):22-44.
Barrager E, Veltmann JR Jr, Schauss AG, Schiller RN. A multicentered, open-label trial on the safety and efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis. J Altern Complement Med. 2002 Jun;8(3):229.
Evidence Based Rating Scale

The Evidence Based Rating Scale is a tool that helps consumers translate the findings of medical research studies with what our clinical advisors have found to be efficacious in their personal practice. This tool is meant to simplify which supplements and therapies demonstrate promise in the treatment of certain conditions. This scale does not take into account any possible interactions with any medication/ condition/ or therapy which you may be currently undertaking. It is therefore advisable to ask your doctor before starting any new treatment regimen.



Preliminary evidence indicates efficacy over conventional treatment. More research is needed to confirm or refute these findings.


Some preliminary studies and anecdotal evidence indicate efficacy in reducing symptoms. More research is needed to confirm or refute these findings.

Back pain

Not studied for this. Research is needed to determine efficacy.


Several animal and in vitro studies have shown ability to significantly slow development of breast and colon cancers. More research is needed to confirm or refute efficacy in humans.

Ailments Dosage
Allergies 500 mg 3 times a day
Arthritis 500 mg 3 times a day or 750 mg twice a day
Rheumatoid Arthritis 500 mg 3 times a day. Your health practitioner should monitor effectiveness.

Related Articles
Natural Arthritis Remedies

Drug/Nutrient Interactions
View Drug Interactions

Date Published: 4/20/2005
Date Reviewed: 8/3/2007


Established Member
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I'd get biotin, zinc and fish oils (Often contain Evening Primrose Oil which is good for hormonal balance apparently).


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The only one of the three nutrients you mentioned that has any promise in my opinion is silica; make sure you get it in a bioavailable form, however.

I experiment with different things on my blog (not only things that are hair-related), and I've tested both biotin and MSM; so far, I've seen no results. I'm currently taking 8,000 mg of MSM per day.

You can read the beginning of the MSM experiment here; the latest post on MSM is here.

The posts on biotin you can see here: ... bel/biotin

Biotin is pretty cheap, so trying it won't hurt, but I'd say go for something else. MSM isn't even that cheap and tastes like crap, so I'd avoid it. Even the anecdotal evidence says it only grows existing hair/nails faster, not that it produces new hair. Or new nails, for that matter...


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Wow , you have a nice blog going there , how long do you take each supplement for?
I can't find silica on your blog , doe's this mean you haven't tested it?


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JLL said:
The only one of the three nutrients you mentioned that has any promise in my opinion is silica; make sure you get it in a bioavailable form, however.

I experiment with different things on my blog (not only things that are hair-related), and I've tested both biotin and MSM; so far, I've seen no results. I'm currently taking 8,000 mg of MSM per day.

You can read the beginning of the MSM experiment here; the latest post on MSM is here.

The posts on biotin you can see here: ... bel/biotin

Biotin is pretty cheap, so trying it won't hurt, but I'd say go for something else. MSM isn't even that cheap and tastes like crap, so I'd avoid it. Even the anecdotal evidence says it only grows existing hair/nails faster, not that it produces new hair. Or new nails, for that matter...

Remember though, not every one can always be helped by every supplement. It may work on one person and not another. Give it time and let it build up in your system. It may work within a day or two, or it may take 3-6 months. MSM promotes healing and healing involves forming new cells. Vitamin C is a required raw material in forming healthy new cells. So Vitamin C intake with MSM is a must for better results, Ester-C.


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Don't use the ripoff product "Ester-C". Just use ordinary ascorbic acid.


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decro435 said:
Wow , you have a nice blog going there , how long do you take each supplement for?
I can't find silica on your blog , doe's this mean you haven't tested it?

Depends on the supplement and what the studies say. MSM I've been taking for approximately three months now. It should be enough to see results, but I'm guessing at this point it doesn't work for me. I'm going to finish the jar anyway.

I haven't tested silica yet, but it's on the list. There's so many things to try, and taking several things at the same time is problematic, because if they're effective you don't know which one exactly was effective.

I've tried horsetail though (made it into a tea), but that was only for about a week or two. Didn't notice anything, which is not surprising, considering that the silica in horsetail is not very bioavailable.


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squeegee said:
Remember though, not every one can always be helped by every supplement. It may work on one person and not another. Give it time and let it build up in your system. It may work within a day or two, or it may take 3-6 months. MSM promotes healing and healing involves forming new cells. Vitamin C is a required raw material in forming healthy new cells. So Vitamin C intake with MSM is a must for better results, Ester-C.

Yep. If it works for some people, great; it just seems it doesn't work on me.

I'm not convinved vitamin C is needed (no clinical studies to prove this), but just to be on the safe side, I usually take it with a multivitamin, which has about 30 mg of vitamin C; sometimes I take it with a vitamin C capsule which has 1,000 mg. No difference in results. I also get lots of vitamin C from my diet.