Best of The Best For hair transplant?


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I read on a post here that these were mentioned as the best of the best:

Dr. Feller (NYC), Dr. Shapiro (Minn), Hasson and Wong (Vancouver BC)...

If flying and spending were no object, then are these the ones to see?



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There are 3 Shapiros that are hair transplant docs. One is in Florida( he unfortunately has a bad reputation) and 2 brothers in Minnesota. The 2 brothers in Minnesota named Ron and Paul are the ones who are top notch doctors. Ron trained his older brother Paul. Ron Shapiro is going to be my hair transplant Doctor either this year or next year. He is my favorite choice for FUE.


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I see these same names mentioned a lot. The fact that they are mentioned a lot and get mostly good reviews leads me to believe they are good.

However, I have to think there are more than the 5-6 surgeons that are always mentioned that are good. I guess if you're on a site like this, you go to the surgeon everyone recommends and then you post about your results. If you're not on a site like this, you go to another surgeon, may get good or bad results, and don't post about it.

So I guess the safest thing to do is to go to one of those 5-6 surgeons because you know they're good. But if you'd rather not travel, or don't have the money, you may still be able to get a good hair transplant by a lesser known surgeon. Anyway, that's what I'm thinking, though I may end up going with one of the famous ones in the end.


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Yes basicly its better to be safe than sorry and let someone else try out a new Dr who may or may not be sh*t.