Best Orange County Surgeon -- Need Advice Please


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Longtime lurker looking for some help. I'm looking for a surgeon who in the considered opinion of this forum is one of the top 5 transplant surgeons in Orange County/LA/Southern California. I live in South Orange County and would like to stay local if possible -- e.g., no more than 4 hour drive to wherever surgery is. I'm willing to go up to SF if someone can convince me that a superstar can only be found in NorCal.

Background: I just turned 50, and previously had approximately 300-400 grafts between ages 26-28 (in 1990-1992) by Bosley and Dr. Sword (in LA) in the front corners when I initially started thinning and freaked out. I've been on Rogaine and Propecia since roughly 1995 (switched to Dutasteride in 2000), and my hairline is basically a Norwood 3, with ncreasing thinning on the top and a little thinning on the crown. Historically, my dad went bald at 23 (full Norwood 7), his brother and father kept their hair but just thinned all over until their 70s; on my mother's side, my grandfather went Norwood 4 at age 30, and his son (my uncle) had generalized thinning until his 70s. My younger brother thinned early and is a Norwood 3A/4 and shaved his head.

Personally, my hair is pretty thick everywhere except the front hairline to the mid-line (front to ears). It looks okay when's it's short (and I'm a lot less vain than I used to be at 25) but I'd like to thicken it up so I could keep it in a shortish buzz and not worry about my scalp peeking through. I suppose that means I'm still vain, but who cares, right?

I have a high-profile job and don't want anyone to know the surgery happened. I don't want to fly to London to the Private Clinic, but would like to do an unshaven FUE if I could. I already have a nice strip scar from way back when, and I don't want to do a strip again. The scar ached and/or felt dead for years, and I don't want a repeat. I don't really care if people see 20 year old scars (which are pretty faded) but I don't want new ones.

If anyone has personal experience and recommendations I'd appreciate it. I would really like to just do a single session of 1,500 and see if that works.