Best Procedure and Cost to get enough (short) hair coverage?


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Back when my hair loss first became noticeable, like many, I started using sort of a "buzz-cut" hairstyle. I found that this bought me a few years in terms of hiding my balding scalp. However, I am now at that final stage where no hair style is really practical.

I wouldn't mind keeping it shaved completely off if it weren't for the fact that I have pale skin (the short hair I used to have at least gave my face some contrast). So, I either have to keep slapping on sunless tanner (major pain and unnatural looking) or look like "Powder" (yes, I have actually been called that)! Both suck pretty bad.

So, my question is . . . with todays transplant methods, it is possible for a person to get from very thin NW5/6ish to a NW2 without scars? I'm not asking for my pre-male pattern baldness thickness - just enough hair so that I can pull off the half inch buzz-cut look without baldness being noticeable. Of course, with a buzz-cut, you can't be sporting around any noticeable scars either.

If it's possible, at what cost?


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I think you would be better going for a NW3 with bald patch, then you can get some decent density. It would be expensive though, and would need to be spread over a couple of days.