
Best Shampoos To Combine With Minoxodil?


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Hi.. I'm new to posting here and looking for help. I guess im approaching the N5 spectrum of hair loss. I have almost white hair from greying early in my 20's. I'll be able to post some pictures of myself later tonight after work. I started using Rogaine about 4 1/2 months ago but have only been using it in the morning. I obviously have gone through a big shedding that I do not see any stopping of as of yet. it's definitely gotten worse and unfortunately have not been keeping a photo journal of the progress through these months but will be starting tonight.
I also want to start propecia and i'm looking for the best/least expensive way to do that (which site online is the best/least expensive option?)..

So I do have some Nizoral but have not been using it consistently at all as it seems to really dry out my hair and just nervous that all this treatment is overdrying my hair causing it to be more breakable?
Anyways just looking for a good shampoo/conditioner treatment system that will keep my hair strong.. does Nioxin work?
Again, thank you for any feedback. When I get home tonight I will really create a full profile with pictures and information so I can participate and receive good feedback.


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Hey just reading posts and noticed yours....have you been to the doctor? If not you should go get tests done, early greying like this is indicative of possible heart disease. Go get checked so you can make sure you take care of yourself and stay healthy. I'm only saying this because I've done lots of research and look to help anyone I can. You want to live a long of luck.


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Hey just reading posts and noticed yours....have you been to the doctor? If not you should go get tests done, early greying like this is indicative of possible heart disease. Go get checked so you can make sure you take care of yourself and stay healthy. I'm only saying this because I've done lots of research and look to help anyone I can. You want to live a long of luck.

Yes I’ve been checked out. I have heart disease in the family and am on high blood pressure medication but I’m very healthy. Any other feedback though on hair loss treatment?