Best transplant docs in midwest


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Anyone have any recommendations for great transplant docs in the midwest, namely Kansas, Missouri area?? I'm willing to drive a 5-6 hr radius. If I can't find one I may have to just fly to one of the big names.


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Awesome, thanks for the list of top docs. I'll probably end up just flying to one of them. I just started looking into this and know nothing. As far as general advice is concerned, I'm a norwood 2 heading to 3. I'm 32, got thick sides and back, and dark brown course hair. With today's technology and skill, you think I could get a pretty thick naturally looking hairline that I could spike up with 1-2k FUEs??


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If you are only nw2 than I would wait till you are a nw3 before even considering hair transplant. Then when it's time, do FUE. I would go with Cole in Atlanta or Feller in New York for FUE. Are you taking finasteride?


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ok maybe I'm a 3, I think I was being positive. Somewhat diffusely thinning throughout the front half and definitely receding in the hairlines. And yes I've been taking either finasteride or dutesteride since 20 y/o, I'm now 32. Also use nizoril 2%. Tried rogaine but got sick of it running all over my forehead