Best treatment for receeding hairline?


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Hi all,

I've been on propecia for about 6 months now and haven't really seen much difference. But saying that, i have always concentrated on a bald spot on my temple and i see a lot of new thin hair which i hope will thicken up soon! As for the the rest i think i'm still receeding. The thing is that on my receeded areas there are so many small clear hairs! which gives me hope. What would you recommend that I do next?

1) Stick with propecia until 1 years up and then try min?
2) Add min now?
3) Add something else?

Your help would be appreciated but lets just hope that hair cloning is available soon!! :lol:


Stick with finasteride and Nizoral for 1 year before you commit to anything else.


Experienced Member
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I agree with Traxada.

It's much easier to just pop a pill and use the Nizoral, at least for the first year or so, then to have to spend time applying topicals. If you dont feel like you have attained the results that you were expecting, then I would re-evaluate your options and perhaps add more to your battle.
