Best UK hair transplant?


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I see most of the best hair transplant docs are in the US, but can anyone share a UK hair transplant experience? Def something Im looking into but would like to hear people with experience first



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I've had two procedures with Dr. Rogers (Rogers Medical Group), I'm extremely happy with the results.

Unless you're looking for a mega-transplant in a single session, IMHO you won't really find a better surgeon anywhere in the world (though several are just as good).

I have dozens of before and after pictures on my website and here on this forum - viewtopic.php?f=30&t=46834; bear in mind that my progress photos also show a lot of regrowth from medication, it is only the hairline and temples where I've had transplant work.

All that being said, you should always do your research and don't just take my word as canon (this is the interwebs after all). Also, the UK (like most countries) has many terrible surgeons who are basically just butchers.

Hope this helps, you're welcome to drop me a line or ask here if you have more questions.


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Thanks for that,

Like the look of Rodgers, I havent started meds or anything was thinking of seeing a dermatologist the shedding scares me completely, do u know of any good meds were shedding isnt part of it?


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Shedding is an odd one, not everyone experiences it. Also, there aren't really many proven treatments, all you really have are Nizoral, Minoxidil, Finasteride and Dutasteride.

Many people get good results with them, some get no results and a small few seem to get unwelcome side effects.

I'm being deliberately vague as A) I'm in the office, and B) it will be good for you to do some research :)


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Trust me I've been researching for months now! Thats the problem I need to hear real peoples experiences and get good advice!


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I can't really comment on the medicinal side of things, as my requirements and regimen were quite different to most peoples here :)

About all I can say is even with the very strong medication and two transplant procedures I've never noticed any shedding personally. I do seem to find my hair feels a bit thin at the start of the summer and at the start of the winter, roughly a six month cycle; it's possible it's just my imagination though as none of the photos I take seem to show any evidence of it.


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Most people who had a hair transplant in the UK (except of Gemini) wouldn't suggest to get a hair transplant in the UK. There are just too many failures.

Don't depend your hair transplant on your location.


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Yeah the best seem to be in the US, seems like this would be majorly expensive though!


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I would advise against choosing surgery based on price alone. Price and location should be secondary considerations to quality of the work you'll get.

I would also advise against listening to the advice of people who only copy and paste the opinions of others. Most people say you cannot get a great hair transplant in the UK, only say it because they read someone else saying it; it's a vicious circle based mostly on bullshit (and a few genuine horror stories, which have nothing to do with Dr. Rogers). A lot of it seems to stem back to about six years ago where a number of clinics were the subject of a negative publicity campaign with some shills making posts and wild claims all over the place.

I would not be surprised that if per-capita there were far higher numbers of bad surgeons in the US than the UK for example.

The biggest problem the UK has is as far as I know there are just two surgeons who only specialise in hair transplants, Dr. Rogers (who I've been to and know personally others who have had excellent results) and Dr. Farjo. I cannot comment on the work Dr. Farjo does, though I've not heard anything bad directly.

Beyond those two all I've heard are horror stories, and my own experience from short listing clinics indicates that the horror stories have some credibility. Clinics who sell surgical procedures as if they are selling used cars are best avoided, this applies to *any* surgical procedure.

Bottom line, clinics which specialise in hair transplant are a much better bet than clinics where the surgeon is doing hair transplant on the Monday, tooth veneers on the Tuesday and botox parties the rest of the week. Those sorts of "circuit clinics" are a nightmare, you don't know if you're going to get a decent surgeon, or some hack fresh from med school. Sure, you'll get a great price, but you might also end up losing all your donor hair (refund or not, nothing can replace that).

Also, make sure you can meet your surgeon up front, and the clinic has their name over the door. Those guys rely on their reputation to get business and not shiny advertising campaigns.


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As Gemini says its easy to spot the proffesional/specialists clinics against the amatuers the best surgeons dont advertise, because they specialise in the field and are highly recommended enough to always be busy. And they can also show you literally 100's of examples of their work and put you in touch with 100's of satisfied clients. Dont believe this confidentiality bullshit a guy who got a good result will be happy happy to show it off.
But be wary any clinic can have their 1 or 2 good showcases, thats why forums like this can show who's the real master surgeons because there are no shortage of threads for the major players vs the one or 2 threads started by shills.
Never go to one of these clinics that put its ads in the back of glossy magazines, never go anywhere that does'nt just do only hair transplant's.
If you needed major root canal surgery would you go to a dentist who also did manicures and cut hair?
These amatuer places are just some businessman employing various surgeons to have a go at various cosmetic procedures. If surgeon a is not available (because he's donig a boob job at another clinic) they'll call surgeon B or C ...

My first 2 hair transplant's were done by a guy who I later found out was a A+E nurse doing ops in his spare time for a bit of extra income. His day job was to stitch up drunks or people who've had houshold accidents and yet I was told that he was the countries top surgeon. And this was a big name UK clinic with over 20 yrs experience.
My 3rd op was done by another big known UK clinic also with 20 yrs in the business and afterwards I found that the 2 surgeons were not infact surgeons but merely nurses again!

Needless from then on I learned my lesson and left the UK clinics and travelled to the US and went to one of the worlds most famous hair transplant surgeons.


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I believe SAF went to Dr. Feller, by all accounts a very good surgeon indeed.

Dr. Feller was on my short list and a lot of the examples of work I've seen from him are superb.


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Yes I went to Feller and lets just say he did his best working on a butchered head. If I had my chance over again needing a big strip megasession I'd have gone to Hassan and Wong straight away because thats what they specialise in. Feller is ok for strip but is better known for FUE. I'd say he's probably in the top 3 surgeons in the world.

I'd recommend anyone from the UK who's interested in a hair transplant contact Spex at


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Farjo's ads out in the real world are Shaun Williamson and Duncan Bannatyne, neither of which look that great to me. You?

Anyone know anything about Dr Raghu Reddy, there is talk but don't see great results on what I have seen, and it's one of those 'cosmetic' group type things


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I've met a few of Dr. Farjo's patients and their results look very good, Dr. Roger's does better hairline work for my money though.


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How's you hair transplant going Gemini, how long post op are you now?.....If I remember rightly, you had your temples done, do you still have your blog?

ps. From what i've seen Farjo does some pretty decent work, and I think Duncan Bannatine looks good.


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Hey Petchsky,

It's just over six months since my second hair transplant, some photos here - viewtopic.php?f=30&t=46834&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=90

I still run my blog with more photos here -

I'm thrilled with the results, my hairline has so much volume now, even at six months. I've only recently started a new job and people there (who didn't know me when I was bald), simply can't believe I once had no hair :)


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Looking at your original photo, you been on hell of a journey, and you look completely different, and better, imo.

I'd still like to see more examples of Dr Rodgers work though, before I recommed him, but I did like the man on meeting him. I think your hair is looking good, and still a few months of extra regrowth, and even more volume! looking forward to seeing the final result. :)