Best Way To Use Nizoral/regenepure. Daily? Every Other Day?


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For the moment, I wash my hair every other day. I don't feel the need to do it more often because they still feel clean and also I always believed that washing them every day makes your scalp dry, which is probably unhealthy for the hair.

So, Regenepure has this 3 times a week shampoo, the DR version, and the NT version for the off days. IYO, would it be worth washing my hair every day to use the NT shampoo, of am I better off continuing to wash them every other day strictly with the DR (that would amount to 3.5 times a week on average)?

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The latter IMO


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I always believed that washing them every day makes your scalp dry, which is probably unhealthy for the hair.

I shower 2x a day and wash my hair both times

as a male pattern baldness sufferer treating his hairloss, I don't have the luxury of washing just a few times a week like natural fullheads do for "more healthy hair." Preservation of follicles takes priority, and I need a clean scalp for constant delivery of topicals