Beta Sitosterol Mega Dose


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I've been considering Beta Sit for a long time, but can only find mixed information about how it works (blocking dht production or stopping it from attacking the hair follicle), if anyone has any info i'd appreciate it.

Anyway, After alot of reading around i've decided to take the plunge and go for it, but most people seem to be using low doses of around 200 - 400 mg and theres alot of people out there that say it doesn't work.

So, what would everyone think of 1,000 Mg of Beta sit, Twice a day? Atleast to test what the sides are like at such a high dose and if there is any regrowth / halting of loss then maybe it could be lowered to a maintenance level.

Obviously, as Beta Sit attaches to cholesterol the best way to take it would be as far from a meal as possible, so i was thinking at bed time and after breakfast (Doubt i'll be consuming much cholesterol for breakfast lol), for maximum effect (if any).

I would appreciate any comments, or any experiences from others :)


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It'll help lower your cholesterol, but it won't do jack for your hair. I"ve used it for years to help a little with my high cholesterol.

The way Beta Sis helps your prostrate is it supposedly shrinks the membrane around the prostate- it doesn't actually lower DHT. Numerous test have been done to show that Saw Palmetto doesn't work, and the same can be said for Beta Sis. You'd be better off looking at Propecia. If the sides scare you, don't do it.


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I have heard positive stories connected to beta-sit, but not too many. I think it has it's uses - it lowers cholesterol which apparently can increase DHT, apparently is blocks androgen receptors to some extent, and also I think somehow lowers estradiol. Personally out of the natural internal treatments I tend to favour pomegranate and equol, but I don't know too much about their effectiveness in actual trials.

Problem is, that to solve hair loss at one of the later stages internally (such as androgen receptors, 5ar (2) etc) you need to risk sides because the treatment is going to be spread throughout your whole body. Hence why finasteride has sides. Equol however is capable of BINDING to DHT, and pomegranate lowers insulin and estrogen, and so tackles some of the hypothesized causes of male sex hormone imbalance.

This is why I tend to go for either health-based solutions, or topicals, because I think that at least out of the contemporary treatments a systemic antiandrogenic effect will uuuusually cause side effects.

Equol may be the only exception but I don't know yet...


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Hoppi said:
Problem is, that to solve hair loss at one of the later stages internally (such as androgen receptors, 5ar (2) etc) you need to risk sides because the treatment is going to be spread throughout your whole body. Hence why finasteride has sides. Equol however is capable of BINDING to DHT...

Yes, which means that equol is going to have the same side effect profile as finasteride, dumbbell! :)

Hoppi said:
...and pomegranate lowers insulin and estrogen, and so tackles some of the hypothesized causes of male sex hormone imbalance.

Do us all a big favor, and explain precisely what you mean by "male sex hormone imbalance", and what you think is accomplished by correcting it! :)


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^^ You know just as well as I do that its just one of his"fun"theories.