Beyond Hellouser's Thread, Are There Any Pics Of Pre-post Ru Treatment On The Forum


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I've been looking for quite awhile and I can't seem to find any pictures verifying RU as having good results. Hellouser was kind enough to share his progress with the medication, and it was good but not great.

Could some of the more experienced members of this forum kindly direct me to where I might find more results from users with the drug?


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Im convinced that RU alone will do very little for most people. Even hellousers RU results were at the same time as starting minoxidil and maybe hes just a crazy good responder. these days i think he's still lost ground overall. If you check the RU thread gong right now most people have had little results, me included. I think if you just have a hairline problem or a small crown area, using high concentration of good topicals consistently like RU/Seti will get you real results but for diffuse its a challenge. Not saying its impossible, just what I've seen


New Member
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I completely agree with "Bagels".
I've been using Ru for 3 years now. I have definately lost ground along these years.
I don't know how would have been without Ru but my impression is that it does very little if anything whatsoever.
You can't measure the results of a treatment if you are just starting another treatment at the same time.
e.g. starting Minoxidil at the same time as makes no sense...


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RU def gets rid of the itch, so it doesn't something against dht. i think from my experience, it is anti-dat and will slow down hair loss. no regrowth though