bhd,, cassin / success guys.


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just a question for you guys since you had good results, did you go through periods where you thought your hair was a lot worse, like maybe worse than before you started treatment? because although my hair feels so much healthier, i woke up this morning and it looked like complete ***, i had to hurry and shower before i left just to soften/thicken it up. did you ever say to yourself, man this stuff just isn't working, i'm getting so much worse! or was it just a gradual thing that slowly got better. brutal honesty would be appreciated. thanks so much. lata


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For me it never got worse than when I started treatment. After the 3-4 month mark I took a couple steps back from my progress and olny over the past couple months have things started to improve again. Fighting male pattern baldness seems to be a 2 steps forward, 1 step back process when your treatments start to kick in.



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Oh sure I have taken a step back once or twice. My success was fast and steady.

At the 1 year mark it took a major step back, and as I expected all is well again.

But I can assure you if you judge your hair day by day, you will drive yourself insane. Your hair doesn't change like that. Humidity, how you washed your hair, how you combed it, the shampoo you use, on and on factor day by day.


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yeah its weird, even though I know that judging it by the day is stupid and pointless, i still do! i keep just waiting to look in the mirror and go WOW propecia worked, i can get on with my life.