Bi-estro Care Cream For Hairline - Has Anyone Had Results?

Jonny Craig

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As the title suggests..

Anyone had results with bi-estro cream?

Back story: FUT in 2016 on hairline, 2500 grafts approx. Great results.In SEP 2019, decided to use clomid 12.5mg daily (SERM) for a few weeks, and it seems to have hurt hairline a tad on the right side especially and center. Loss was obvious around Nov, Dec of 2018.

After various reading, saw information and anecdotal reports of Bi-estro cream (1mg estriol) and (0.25mg estradiol) per pump, helping hairline.

I ordered it and have it now.

If clomid caused hair loss, it's either due to increased T/DHT, OR... because it BLOCKED estrogen in scalp, is a popular theory.

Question is, should I try the bi-estro cream on my FUT hairline? My loss is still fresh so I believe I can recover, hopefully.

I am assuming the FUT transplanted hair would react the same or better, as normal hair.


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Yes man clomid is not good for hairs, i know bodybuildiers use it for recovery testosterone after a steroid cycle so it should increase testo and dht for sure.
But didnt the hairs transplant not sensitive to dht ?