Big 3 doesnt seem to work. What to add?

Ben hur

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I'm 22 and been thinning since 17. Receeding hairline, thinning crown and thining at front and middle (much like a womans kind of hairloss). Altoghether my hair looks pretty good occansionally. but if this thinning trend continues...damn.

2 years back I started the big 3 (1,25 mg proscar, minoxidil and nizoral). This might have slowned down the loss who knows, but it doesnt feel that way. Absolutely NO regrowth thats for sure, and these last 6 months i've been shedding horribly. I always have to clean the filter in the shower EVERYTIME, there are always about 50 hairs there. And today when I washed my hair 80 hairs came out... new record, whoptidoo!!

So now I wonder what you guys would recommend to add to my regime? What I'm doing right know is obviously not enough :cry:


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Ben hur said:

I'm 22 and been thinning since 17. Receeding hairline, thinning crown and thining at front and middle (much like a womans kind of hairloss). Altoghether my hair looks pretty good occansionally. but if this thinning trend continues...damn.

2 years back I started the big 3 (1,25 mg proscar, minoxidil and nizoral). This might have slowned down the loss who knows, but it doesnt feel that way. Absolutely NO regrowth thats for sure, and these last 6 months i've been shedding horribly. I always have to clean the filter in the shower EVERYTIME, there are always about 50 hairs there. And today when I washed my hair 80 hairs came out... new record, whoptidoo!!

So now I wonder what you guys would recommend to add to my regime? What I'm doing right know is obviously not enough :cry:

Was your hairline still receding during the treatment ?


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I would be interested in seeing pictures of your hair. I've seen lots of young guys talk like the products didnt work but in reality they've maintained a full head of hair with no signs of hair loss to the casual observer. Especially a 17 year old on the big three... just seems really extreme. You couldn't have lost that much hair before age 17 ... are you saying you've lost noticeable photographable amounts of hair while on the big three, starting at age 17?

Ben hur

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Hmmm, my hairline might be the area that's got most benefit from the big 3. It has basicly hold it's ground, except for a slight temple recesion since I found it little bit harder to cover them nowadays (but I still can grow my hair a bit long and make it look that there's barely any recession at all). I have been putting minoxidil on my hairline for 2 years.

God I wish that I'd started when I was 17, "" :) . No, I started 2 years ago... at 20. My 17th year of life was a funny one, in a couple of months my temples receeded to basicly where they are now, and my crown thinned notacibly. I'd say that if you would compare my hair at 18 and 22 most people would say that there wasn't any difference, so I guess the big 3 has done something ... but I MYSELF know that things have slowly been going downhill. And right now I'm shedding like's killing me. Not to talk about THE ITCH!!!! IT'S DRIVING ME INSAAAAAAANE!!!



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Dude if you started losing hair at 17 you are lucky to have any hair at 22. Your hair loss genetics are so bad that the best you can hope for is a slower progression.

Im not trying to scare you but the guys I know that started balding that early have no hair to speak of.

Maybe replace propecia with avodart though.


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Thinning: I'm also 22 (though just) and I suspect I also started at 17, because that's the first time I ever noticed hairs in the shower. At this point no one would suspect anything, although my Norwood 2 is on the mature side and my hairline is see-through in bright light.

It seems to be happening slowly, (knock on wood for the love of the Almighty God) so he's not the only one who wasn't a teenage "insta-loss" case.


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Though my heart aches every time I think of the guy in my high school whose hairline receded all the way to his crown by senior year. Gawd.