big three after hair transplant?



hey everyone. I got an hair transplant done about two years ago(23) and was wondering can i still use meds?? and if so? what kind of regime works. i heard the big three works. I dont mind the shedding, that just means its working.. so i hope i shed

thanks for your help

El Nino

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Yes you can use the meds. In fact, at your age it is highly recommended to take Finasteride after a hair transplant to help keep your native hair.

Yes, only use the big three, they are the only ones which are proven to work.


wow!! great results bro. You think another hair transplant from this Doctor will help my hail line?
Finasteride, zin and min?? is that all?

thanks a bunch by the way

El Nino

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Thanks hussein.

IMO, Dr. Rahal is the best for hairline work. You should do an online consultation on his website to see what he thinks about your situation.

The big three are Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar), Minoxidil (Rogaine Foam/Liquid) and Nizoral shampoo.


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husseinx2 said:
hey everyone. I got an hair transplant done about two years ago(23) and was wondering can i still use meds?? and if so? what kind of regime works. i heard the big three works. I dont mind the shedding, that just means its working.. so i hope i shed

thanks for your help

I had bad hair transplant done, but I've been using Rogain for the past 14 years and finast for the past 7 or so years, and while I have never regrown any hair, it hasn't gotten any worse, at least I think.