Big Three Update

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I have been using minoxidil since November 29, 2003. (6 1/2 months)
I have been using finasteride since February 3, 2004. (3 1/2 months)
I have been using Nizoral since November 29, 2003 (6 1/2 months)

Norwood 2/2.5 with crown thinning
Some diffusive loss
Age 20

After about four weeks of minoxidil usage, a bunch of little dark hairs started to appear on my temples. They're still there, but they're not thickening up and growing long...yet. From a distance, I can see the shadow that resembles my natural hairline, but it's still a work in progress. My crown is filling in nicely and will probably be perfect within two or three months at this rate. If finasteride were to thicken every single hair on my head, I would be perfect.

After a month of finasteride, I was already getting complements from people saying that my hair looks thicker. It seemed premature. I think I might be going through a slight shed, as my frontal strip has new and noticable two holes in it from the last week and more hair is coming out of the shower in the last few days. But I also realize that I'm right on pace; after three months of finasteride, your hair is supposed to thicken and perhaps shed before getting into maintenance and regrowth (like Martin on the picture pages). I'm optimistic that I'm approaching that period.

The good news in all of this is that, aside from the two holes in the frontal strip within the last week, I don't think I've lost any more hair. I've read through a lot of other people's updates and everyone seems to start getting great results on the big 3 after about 6-8 months of finasteride. The only people who seem to have great problems are those who are missing some component of the big three or are on an alternate regimen of some sort. I expect great things in a few months by the end of the summer. If my temples thicken up and the little holes in my hairline grow back, I will be around a Norwood 1.5/2 or so (I have a natural "mature" hairline as it is anyways).

I originally started taking various vitamins for the first month, but I stopped. I've considered taking L-Lysine again, but I'm not sure. Outside of that, I have been doing the Big 3 for the last 3 1/2 months.

While my hairloss is somewhat aggressive for someone of my age, I have only been thinning for two years and I'm able to cover it up somewhat by the way I style my hair. I am in good health and I'm hopeful that my youthfulness and ability to respond well with minoxidil will translate into good re-growth with finasteride.

Any questions or thoughts or encouragement? :)


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MontyWockenfuss said:
Any questions or thoughts or encouragement? :)

questions: what does MontyWockenfuss mean?
thoughts: Hmm... I use minoxidil for 4months now on my temples and I don't even see vellus growth :cry:
encouragement: thank you, that was a good one
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Bismarck said:
questions: what does MontyWockenfuss mean?

Just a pseudonym that sounded funny.

Bismarck said:
thoughts: Hmm... I use minoxidil for 4months now on my temples and I don't even see vellus growth :cry:

Are you using Nizoral at all? L-lysine?

Anyone else have any thoughts or encouragement? I'm always worried that something is going to go wrong with this treatment and so I'm constantly looking for positive stories to keep my head on straight.



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Maybe you could call it the big 4.

finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral and positive attitude

congrats on your progress
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Snipes said:

Maybe you could call it the big 4.

finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral and positive attitude

congrats on your progress

In all seriousness, a positive attitude makes a huge, huge difference. Look at the clinical trials for any drug, finasteride included. Why do you suppose people experience results even though they are taking a sugar pill placebo? It's because those people have it in their head that they are going to succeed. I'm not saying that everyone should just drop all of these treatments and just magically will themselves to more hair; I'm just stating that people who are optimistic and believe in the products that they are using are bound to see more results then people who lack such faith.

If you search this forum for "updates," you are bound to come across all of the various updates to their situation that people have been posting for the last year or so. Virtually everyone on the big three has experienced regrowth within the 8-12 month stage. Has it actually failed one person? The people who report back to the boards with bad news are always the people who are either missing a component of the big three or are going with some odd herbal concoction.

I'm not trying to preach to all of you, I just hope this message reaches someone who is worried about the situation with their hair like I am in the hopes that they'll just refuse to let thinning hair get the better of them and remember the importance of attitude and thinking when analyzing their current predicament.



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You seem very mature and level headed for someone your age. I wish that I had your attitude when I first started losing my hair. Best of luck to you man.