Big time help needed here



Ok i think something is wrong, I have been on Proscar for 4 months and shedding since i started but today was something Else. I have never shed in my life like i did today hair ever where and when i ran my finger throw my hair the floor looked like i had had a hair cut but here is the scary part, i am shedding from the side and i mean a lot " my side are short and a lighter color then the top so it is easy to tell them apart, i was scratching the sides over the sink and no less then 100 hairs came out but today was the worst shedding i have done so far from the top and the sides,. Is it possible that i am reacting bad to Proscar and that it is having a negative effect on my system? should i stop taking Proscar, today freaked me out that there is something going wrong inside. I am use to shedding but this was different.

any one ever here of anything like this like tha massive shedding from the sides.

Should i stop the Proscar?

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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Why dont you see your doctor if the shedding is so severe. Irrespective of whether what people say..that shedding is a good sign...the fact is that only arnd 15% hair are in telogen phase...which may be shed off during medications like minoxidil/finasteride. But sounds you are just loosing a lot of healthy hairs from the side.
I strongly recommend you go and see a doctor.
Keep us updated.
Goodluck :freaked2:


Experienced Member
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That seems odd but I agree with jkriley. Go see your doctor about this. Where are you getting the Proscar at? You may not be taking real finasteride pills.



I got it from my doctor and it say merc on it, I have already made an appointment to see him on Tuesday.

But I think I will stop the proscar till then

de Gaulle

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Adding 25% more finasteride in your body than you would normally have while using Propecia is certainly not helping you with the side effects!

I can't believe Doctors take the risk to prescribe Proscar to people who don't have Prostate cancer!!

Everybody think Merck is just a money making firm with no ethic and therfore they produce an overpriced drug, Propecia, with a lower dosage of finasteride but with the same side effects Proscar has?!

Come on boys, I believe Merck did some serious research and if 1mg was the dosage prescribed to treat hairloss, that is that there must be some good reason to it!?

de Gaulle.


Good point

you make a good point maybe i should do the 4 days on with a day off.

do you think that may help easy the side effects?


Senior Member
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finasteride is finasteride........if he is cutting the proscar then there should be no problem! Are you taking the full pill or cutting them???????



I am cutting it into 4 and taking 1.25 aday.

so maybe i should go on a 4 day cycle?

de Gaulle

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Re: Good point

jkriley said:
you make a good point maybe i should do the 4 days on with a day off.

do you think that may help easy the side effects?


I would continue on Proscar (1.25mg) until I see my derm and get a prescription for Propecia.

Skipping dosage will only do more harm to your body than anything: a constant daily dosage is better than an uneven one.

de Gaulle.

de Gaulle

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viperfish said:
finasteride is finasteride........if he is cutting the proscar then there should be no problem! Are you taking the full pill or cutting them???????

No problem?! A dosage of 1mg of finasteride usually prescribed to treat hairloss IS NOT a dosage of 1.25mg: Taking 1.25mg is just increasing his chances for side effects... I think that is a big problem.



I cant get in to see my Der till November :( its tuff to get in


Established Member
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"In June 2003, the PCPT was stopped early because of a clear finding that finasteride reduced the incidence of prostate cancer. However, those trial participants who did develop prostate cancer while taking finasteride experienced a slightly higher incidence of high-grade tumors. Researchers are continuing to analyze the data to find out whether finasteride actually caused high-grade tumors."

"N Engl J Med 2003 Jul 17;349(3):215-24 (ISSN: 1533-4406)
Thompson IM; Goodman PJ; Tangen CM; Lucia MS; Miller GJ; Ford LG; Lieber MM; Cespedes RD; Atkins JN; Lippman SM; Carlin SM; Ryan A; Szczepanek CM; Crowley JJ; Coltman CA
University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, USA.
BACKGROUND: Androgens are involved in the development of prostate cancer. Finasteride, an inhibitor of 5alpha-reductase, inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, the primary androgen in the prostate, and may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. METHODS: In the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial, we randomly assigned 18,882 men 55 years of age or older with a normal digital rectal examination and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level of 3.0 ng per milliliter or lower to treatment with finasteride (5 mg per day) or placebo for seven years. Prostate biopsy was recommended if the annual PSA level, adjusted for the effect of finasteride, exceeded 4.0 ng per milliliter or if the digital rectal examination was abnormal. It was anticipated that 60 percent of participants would have prostate cancer diagnosed during the study or would undergo biopsy at the end of the study. The primary end point was the prevalence of prostate cancer during the seven years of the study. RESULTS: Prostate cancer was detected in 803 of the 4368 men in the finasteride group who had data for the final analysis (18.4 percent) and 1147 of the 4692 men in the placebo group who had such data (24.4 percent), for a 24.8 percent reduction in prevalence over the seven-year period (95 percent confidence interval, 18.6 to 30.6 percent; P<0.001). Tumors of Gleason grade 7, 8, 9, or 10 were more common in the finasteride group (280 of 757 tumors [37.0 percent], or 6.4 percent of the 4368 men included in the final analysis) than in the placebo group (237 of 1068 tumors [22.2 percent], P<0.001 for the comparison between groups; or 5.1 percent of the 4692 men included in the final analysis, P=0.005 for the comparison between groups). Sexual side effects were more common in finasteride-treated men, whereas urinary symptoms were more common in men receiving placebo. CONCLUSIONS: Finasteride prevents or delays the appearance of prostate cancer, but this possible benefit and a reduced risk of urinary problems must be weighed against sexual side effects and the increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer. [Copyright 2003 Massachusetts Medical Society].

de Gaulle said:

Adding 25% more finasteride in your body than you would normally have while using Propecia is certainly not helping you with the side effects!

I can't believe Doctors take the risk to prescribe Proscar to people who don't have Prostate cancer!!

Everybody think Merck is just a money making firm with no ethic and therfore they produce an overpriced drug, Propecia, with a lower dosage of finasteride but with the same side effects Proscar has?!

Come on boys, I believe Merck did some serious research and if 1mg was the dosage prescribed to treat hairloss, that is that there must be some good reason to it!?

de Gaulle.

de Gaulle

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asolof said:
CONCLUSIONS: Finasteride prevents or delays the appearance of prostate cancer, but this possible benefit and a reduced risk of urinary problems must be weighed against sexual side effects and the increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer. [Copyright 2003 Massachusetts Medical Society].

Wow! I am glad I am paying extra for a 1mg daily dose of finasteride!!



I am no Doctor but I don’t think that .25 finasteride will make that big of difference that my health is in that much more danger then if I did 1 mg a day.

de Gaulle

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Re: well

jkriley said:
I am no Doctor but I don’t think that .25 finasteride will make that big of difference that my health is in that much more danger then if I did 1 mg a day.

1.25 mg versus 1 mg is 25% more Finasteride absorbed by your body: that is a LOT in my opinion and so the risk for more side effects may be that greater.


Ok so

I have spent most of my day reading about Proscar and propica and I have decided to cut the proscar into 5ths since I found a pic showing me how to do it.

I would like to switch to Propica I just can not afford it :(


F*%k that

F*%k that, there is no way to cut these pills into 5, so what about taking it for 4 days and then a day of is that ok. I have been taken 1.25 a day for 4 months


Established Member
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Why not just buy propecia itself and split it into 4ths? That's what I am currently doing...I am certain I am getting more than 0.20mgs each day.


Established Member
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Re: F*%k that

jkriley said:
F*%k that, there is no way to cut these pills into 5, so what about taking it for 4 days and then a day of is that ok. I have been taken 1.25 a day for 4 months

You are splitting hairs ...

de Gaulle

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Re: F*%k that

jkriley said:
F*%k that, there is no way to cut these pills into 5, so what about taking it for 4 days and then a day of is that ok. I have been taken 1.25 a day for 4 months


You could be earning the monthly $30 that you are "saving" on your Proscar prescription selling burgers at McDo rather than spending that time splitting minuscule pills, and instead by Propecia?? :lol:

Just kidding!

de Gaulle.