Bigger Bottle for Minoxidil

Young Scrappy

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I've resigned to the fact I will need to take minoxidil and propecia for a long time. Is there anyway to condense a four month supply to one bottle? I've looked for 1 mL drop bottle that hold the same volume as 4 bottles of minoxidil but haven't came up with anything.


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I'm not sure why you'd want to do this, since throwing an empty bottle away and starting a new one isn't a big deal - particularly when you only have to do it once per month. However, if you're so inclined you can check out: ... stom&ID=43

Young Scrappy

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I'm lazy and when it gets to the end of the month. I can't seem to get full mL without pouring it into another container. If I have to do it only once every 4 months opposed to 1, it makes life that much easier.

Thank you for the link, sir.


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Pretty soon this will be like brushing your teeth and you won't think of your regimen as a hassle. My regimen takes about 1 minute out of my day and after a few months everyone is the same.

Young Scrappy

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hairwegoagain, thank you for the link. I received the order today. The bottle is very discrete and hold two months worth.