Bill Murray


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What are people's opinions about this guys hairline?

I'm only asking because this is exactly what I'm predicted to look like when I'm about 40-50.

My dad's hair is just like this, receded and curly (although probably not quite as bad). It doesn't appear like he's lost too much more even though Bill's now in his late 50's.

My dad started receding at around 19-20, and ended up with a Bill Murray type hairline for another 30 years without nothing else happening. I still say my dad's no worse than a Norwood 3/3.5 even to this day (he's nearly 50).

I face a slight dilemma. I recently went off Propecia for a couple of weeks and decided to stick with the minoxidil (irritating sides like my penis appearing to shrink because of some libido loss, not pleasent for a 20 yar old).

Partly the reason why I also dropped it was because I wasn't sure if I needed it. Could I get away with just using minoxidil? Providing that I have within 3 months semi successfully grown temple hairs along my forehead. Although I know if I don't get on finasteride I'll be exposed more recession until I get to the near the Bill Murray stage. By the way I have straight hair so recession looks worse on me.

So I'm asking people would I be leaving minoxidil to much to do? Because that's quite a bit of temple area to cover me thinks.



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If you're as funny as Bill Murray, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.


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I was actually thinking of trying dutasteride for a while, and see if I get the same problems since the recession I've got is going fairly agressively at this stage.


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He's doing ok for his age. To be honest its only when its before age 40 or past nw3 that really hurts.


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I'm guessing he had some work done in the middle/front. In the Ghostbuster's pic it looks like he's wearing a hair piece. I think he's worn a hair piece in a lot of his later movies.


haha look at the third pic in the original post. he's definitely an early nw3.


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Bill Murray's approaching 60, a lot of those earlier photos i.e. the ones in ghostbusters were done when he was in his early 30's/40's. I'm only 20 so I've got a long way to go yet and it probably wouldn't bother me at that age if I looked like that.

Anyway back to my original question, do people think that I can hold out using just minoxidil? Bearing in mind my hairline is due to be like Bill's at 25 (but never to get any worse until I'm 50+, a Norwood 2-3 throughout my adult life if you like).

I could get back on the finasteride obviously but I'm just curious.


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Get back on finasteride

Sharpshooter I don't want to appear rude but bloody hell, just get back on finasteride. If you think you are able to predict the speed and severity of your balding based on your dad you are sorely mistaken.

Take me for example. It does not matter how far I go back in my family tree, there is absolutely no hint of hair loss in anyone. Everyone in my family has always gone to their graves with thick heads of hair. While sons sometimes follow the same pattern as their fathers, this does not always happen.

It is very, very possible that you may be completely bald by the time you are 30 regardless of what your fathers hair is like. If you don’t want to lose your hair then you MUST be on finasteride. Otherwise, be prepared for the consequences.

That is the reality.