Bill - Patient Advocate for Hasson and Wong


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Hello everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve posted but previously, I was the managing publisher of the Hair Transplant Network and for a short time, I worked for Dr. Rahal. Since my last post however, some family matters took precedence and thus, I was unable to devote the necessary time into work. As a result, I went offline for awhile. Therefore, I am no longer working for Dr. Rahal. So for those who wondered what happened since my last post, this is why I haven’t been online.

Hey Having managed the Hair Transplant Network patient community for over 10 years, I’ve had the privilege to help thousands of prospective patients find outstanding hair transplant surgeons. Now however, my focus has turned to one of the world’s most reputable and leading clinics....Hasson and Wong.

To be honest, it feels like this was meant to be, especially since they’re the ones who performed my last 2 hair transplants and are responsible for giving me the stellar results that I possess today. Both surgeons are outstanding and in the end it was Dr. Hasson that restored my head of hair and frankly, changed my life. See “My Hair Loss Story” for more about how I not only restored my hair, but my lost confidence as well.

I will be participating on this forum to help educate men and women seeking real hair restoration solutions and helping to answer any questions individuals might have about researching and selecting an outstanding surgeon. Moreover, I’m happy to answer any questions specific to Hasson And Wong from existing patients and those considering either of them for a hair restoration procedure.

Having worked for a prestigious hair transplant patient community for many years, if I was going to remain working in the profession, it was highly important to me to continue working with those with an outstanding reputation and those I truly believe in. Frankly, I wouldn’t want to work for any hair transplant doctor that I wouldn’t trust my own scalp with. In this case, I personally chose Dr. Hasson for my last two procedures which made the most impact on my hair today. So it makes perfect sense that I am now representing their clinic.

Thus, I think it’s safe to say that I genuinely believe that both Drs. Hasson and Wong are two of the best in the world and I feel honored to represent them online.

A little bit about me...

I came to the discussion forums in 2004 when I was seeking advice for my own hair loss and quickly found a local doctor who performed my first one. At that time, I hadn’t done too much research and simply trusted a recommendation. Overall, it turned out OK. It was very natural and the strip scar was pencil thin. That said, I had extensive hair loss and was already a Norwood 5A heading towards a potential Norwood 6. For those of you who don’t know, this is essentially almost completely bald on top with some dipping down in the back below the crown near the occipital area.

My research and journey led me to Dr. Hasson and thus, 5 years and 4 hair transplants later, my hair has essentially been completely restored with very minimal signs of thinning.

Without hair transplant surgery, I would be completely bald all over the top of my scalp. Any hair you see on top in the before Hasson and Wong pictures would be long gone by now except for some of the previous transplants before Dr. Hasson that weren’t providing nearly enough coverage and density.

For those who are interested, you can view my hair loss story on the Hasson And Wong website. For some reason I can’t post a link here. Maybe I’ll be able to post a link here in time.

Throughout my hair restoration journey and all the way through mid-2019, I spent the majority of my time researching and writing about hair restoration surgery and helping thousands of potential patients find outstanding surgeons.


I now have the privilege of working for one of the world’s most impressive hair restoration clinics and once again, helping potential patients from start to finish during their hair restoration journey.

Again, I’m here to answering any general questions about hair loss, hair transplant surgery and more specifically, anything about Hasson and Wong, their technique, booking surgery, pre/post-operative care, etc.

I look forward to participating here and getting back to helping hair loss suffering men and women find the best solution for them.

Best wishes,


I can be contacted publicly or privately on this forum or of the email at


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Hi Bill I had a fue with Dr. Rahal 2 weeks ago, did 2000 grafts for temple areas and 1cm frontal band, right now I'm concerned with the irregular hair direction in the frontal band, what's your opinion on this? Do I need a repair? I will contact the clinic soon, thanks!



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Dave, you selected a great surgeon so no, you would not need a repair. I also don’t believe you have any reason to be concerned. However, if you have specific questions about the angles and direction in which the hairs are placed, I suggest contacting the clinic with your questions.




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I live in the US and I’m looking to schedule an FUE transplant. I’m currently in the process of requesting a consultation with Dr. Rahal as I have read he is the hairline king.

Does Hasson & Wong have better results or reviews?

I lack density around the entire scalp but don’t have any bald spots. However my hairline and crown is seriously thinning, but I’d imagine neither doctor would be able to give me what I want in 1 session considering I need hairline work and density/work in the crown area.

I will look to request a consultation with Hasson & Wong as well.