Biotin For Hairloss? What About Other Supplements?

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Hi there,
What supplements do you guys take? I know there is a lot out there and the prices are all over the spectrum.
I just saw 250 biotin 5000mcg caps at costco for like $15. This sounds reasonable. I am thinking about giving it a go. If there is anything else that is cheap and worth it please let me know.


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It might strengthen your will do nothing to save your follicles.

From the accounts I've read, there's a good chance your skin will break out. I've read little to nothing to make me think taking biotin is of any worthwhile benefit to a person.
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That is what I read also, but I have also read about some great results. The breakout part sucks though. What about other supplements that won't break my budget?


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That is what I read also, but I have also read about some great results. The breakout part sucks though. What about other supplements that won't break my budget?

Supplements...? Not sure that what you're looking for exists tbh.

Only drugs and topicals can save your hair, to my knowledge.


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Zinc - Very weak 5aR inhibitor.

Pumpkin seed oil (or just seeds) - Very weak 5aR inhibitor.

Castor oil (1-2ml, oral) - Possibly get slightly thicker hair and more body hair at the risk of crapping yourself if you overdose.

Shrimp extract (astaxanthin) - Possibly help your follicles endure more oxydative stress without giving up.

The truth is, there isn't much to be said about supplements because most are useless and the rest only have a very modest effect, if any.


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@preservationist if your hair loss is aggressive no supplement will help you and if it does it will do very little for you I'm been balding since I was 15 now 16 I'm take 15,000 mcg of biotin everyday it does nothing doesn't even thicken my hair up but than again my hair loss is aggressive . good luck !


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@Dante92 it pisses me of these dudes b**ch about hair loss but are to scared to get on finasteride if I was 18 I would get on right now but I'm 16 so I can't it makes me so angrytgese dudes that can get on it won't


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Can't say if biotin had any impact on my hair apart from feeling like it made it grow faster. As said above what it can do is cause spot breakouts, I had two rash like areas on my face which lasted 3 months after I quit it although I was on a fairly high dose


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And what if I have quite good results with the big 3 and want to add some pills or topicals to make my hair stronger in general? Does it make any sense? My girlfriends used to use different topicals and since my hairloss seems stabilised, I think it may work.


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Trying to cure baldness with supplements (like biotin) is like trying to extinguish a fire by pissing it out.

Unless it's a very SMALL fire and you, haven't taken a piss in ages.

All kidding aside, he's right. As far as I'm concerned, Biotin isn't going to help you out. There's no supplement, oils that could save your *** from going bald. It's mostly all snake oils. Do you want to know what's so funny about it? Even tho I don't believe in it; I still take vitamins supplements as well as Phytoworx's shampoo & minoxidil 5%. I'm not dumb; I know that I'm throwing away my money with those products (minus minoxidil), but it has worked for three years for me. I still have hair, well, thin hair but eh, it's still hair!

I started using vitamins supplement & tried a couple of hair growth shampoo in my early 20's - Phytoworx's is my favorite one, I talk about the reasons here : A Short Guide to the Best Hair Growth Shampoo | . It worked for maybe a year or so then I saw aggressive shedding and added minoxidil 5% to the mix. I haven't seen any growth nor did I see losses since that time so I figured that It wouldn't make sense to change a winning recipe.


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I was told by Dr Wesly that Biotin is good for making your hair grow faster but it won't stimulate new growth or stop loss. My hair is growing fast/long so are my nails. He told me to take it along with Iron (I have low ferritin) he did not tell me any other supplements than those two. I guess it's a good nutrient for hair you have, conditioning of it.

I guess the theory is if it speeds up the growth cycle what you do have will turn over faster so if you are treating hair with other growth stimulant or treating a medical deficiency then the biotin might help speed up the progress but won't create the progress... not sure just guessing.


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I've been on biotin in the past and I've started up on it again just this past couple of weeks. I think it does make your hair grow faster, at least that’s what people say, but it doesn't do anything in terms of preserving your hair. It can make you break out in spots, especially on your scalp. I've currently got a few, including one on my eyebrow. I'm not sure if this is a good sign or bad, but clearly something is happening. I got a bunch of 10,000 mcg which is split into fourths so I'm taking 2,500mcg a day.

I've also got MSM powder coming in the post. That's supposed to kick your resting hair into the anagen phase and promote growth. I also swallow a tiny drop of castor oil every day which is supposed to do the same thing. Well see.

I chose these supplements because I've just had the biggest shedding period I've ever had and I'm hoping to get some new growth because my hair looks like sh*t at the moment. I don't use minoxidil because I had a bad experience with it and I'm constantly looking for alternative ways to promote growth.

Honestly, a healthy diet and active lifestyle should really be all you need, staying away from foods that causes inflammation and making sure your getting enough fruit and veg. But we take supplements in the vague hope that there might be some key ingredient that's been missing from your usual hair loss regimen that might end up being the missing piece of the puzzle.

I disagree with all those supplement naysayers you see on these boards. They'll drop in on threads like this saying vitamins don't do sh*t for regrowing lost hair and then disappear just as quick. That may be true but there is something to be said for being healthy and keeping your body in the best condition possible so that if you ever do find something that works, weather it's anti-androgens of topicals, then at least your in the best physical condition to take advantage of it.


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Saw Palmetto (540mg), Pumpkin Seed (500mg), Apple Polyphenols (125mg). From my experience, biotin helps prevent shitty hair days, but not much else.


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Saw Palmetto (540mg), Pumpkin Seed (500mg), Apple Polyphenols (125mg). From my experience, biotin helps prevent shitty hair days, but not much else.