

Established Member
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I can not speak for Biotin specifically but I can relate to the tiredness or as you coin in brain fog.

In fact I can go as far as having all my energy reserves deplete themselves to the point of light headedness and the shakes which are classic symptoms of blood sugar levels.

Diabetes MIGHT be one the causes of your problems but even more plausible would be that of ADRENAL FATIGUE.

Adrenal Fatigue is not an inherited disease as such, rather it is a culmination of symptoms brought about by lifestyle and dietary deficiencies.

Adrenal Fatigue can cause hair loss and an important fact to note that most people in their lifetime will experience Adrenal Fatigue especially in todays go-get-em culture.

The road to recovery from Adrenal Fatigue is long and hard, it requires severe commitment.

Good luck...


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Unless you can assimilate vitamins and minerals effectively then the vast majority of pills, capsules, liquids, lotions and potions that you employ in your quest to fight hair loss or improve health are in vein.

You will end up excreting the majority of what you take if your body is not in a state of proper preparedness. Not many people realize this. T

Thus, many people scoff at vitamins and minerals (nutrition in general) as a benefiting attribute in combating hair loss, because a lot of the time the changes you make simply don't work.

Well behold, there is a reason why... :wink:


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So said:
Well behold, there is a reason why... :wink:

And what would that reason be, Oh Wise One? :)



Established Member
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I knew you'd chime in, but its nothing you sir would not already know. :D

Most of what anyone needs to know is in my above post. Take that information and explore.

"Unless you can assimilate vitamins and minerals effectively..."

Of course the rabbit hole is much deeper than simply that, but you get the general gist right?

You can not expect vitamins and minerals to work effectively enough to present major results if you are for the most part unhealthy.

What defines someone as being unhealthy is wide and varied but many and even most westerners are just that by way of their dietary and lifestyle choices some of which are subconscious choices at best fueled by poor education and information.

Nutrition, coupled with other environmental stressors contribute to state of imbalance within the human body that rob you of essential nutrients and minerals whilst simultaneously rendering most of what you pop useless by malabsorption.

Unless you are in a state of preparedness, achieved through cleansing or detox (for example...), then your going to have a hard time achieving optimal results.

We need to move from curative to preventative measures as people.