Bit disappointed


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1 say the least. I've been on propecia for 10.5 months now and things are worse not better. Had my hair cut yesterday and it seems I'm now a Norwood 4 rather than the Norwood 3.5 I was last August. I think I'll have to buzz it to a No.3 or something, I could hardly comb it at all this morning. Worryingly, I could see where the next phase of recession will occour in my temples - the hair there is thinning and a lighter colour than the middle. I know this is a bad sign.

Y'know, I was feeling so positive about starting Propecia, mainly because I thought my hopes & expectations were quite low. If I could have held what I had and maybe thickened up just a little, I would actually have been ok to wait like that for a few more years until more promising treatments come out (hopefully).

My problems are compounded by having poor skin. I have scalp psoriasis and an oily face and scalp. I have tried all topical treatments for psoriasis and some do help but they are by no means guaranteed to keep it under control. My stubborn elbows of 17 years are testimony to that.

I try to tell myself that it could be worse. I could be a 19 year old returning from Afghanistan with no legs. There are loads of bald guys all over the place, some younger than me, I'm hardly on my own etc, etc. It's just that every other guy seems to get away with it, whereas with me, well... I just look bloody awful.

I might get some Resveratrol and Curcumin tomorrow as some quick research suggests they may be beneficial for psoriasis and acne as well as for hair loss. I'll try some of that Ginger shampoo with Piroctone Olamine in whilst I'm at it too. I'm not one for alternative stuff really but I'll clutch at straws at this point.

Part of me is hoping that this is just a shed and that I'll burst through with some regrowth any month from now. Any month now. And if it doesn't happen - well maybe I wont look so bad with a buzz cut. Maybe I'll actually accept how I look with it. But I think I'm fooling myself on both those counts unfortunately. I'm going to hate it, just as I've hated every stage of this damn thing so far.

Sorry for the pity fest guys but I just really am feeling quite down about everything at the moment.


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^^It's understandable that you're feeling down about it all. I get moments like that too, when the reality of it sinks i just do something else to take my mind off it.

But the only thing i can think of is that it might just be a nasty shed..i've read a number of stories on this forum of guys going through extended periods of shedding, then it suddenly stops, so hang in there and see how you go after some 2 months or so.


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I'd love to believe that it's a shed but wouldn't all the shedding phases have taken place before the 10 month stage?

It's hard to believe sometimes, given how many men would surely pay for hair loss treatments, that we have only 2 recognised treatments in 2010. If we had as many options as say for treating acne we might be able to get somewhere but if you dont respond to finasteride/minoxidil it seems like you're screwed.


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^^I'm not that familiar with the shedding phases..i've only been on propecia for 5 months so far, and can't say that i've experienced any significant shedding. Just hang in there, since like you said, it's only that or minoxidil.