strangely Indomethacin lowers pge2. people used to take this to help? crazy!!
you can get the essential oil, the powdered extract etc @HairCook
edit: just done a bit of sideways research, bitter orange can cause miscarriage so should help pge2. sorry to be blunt!
The previous finding of an antiulcerogenic effect from essential oil of Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae) (OEC) and its main compound limonene (LIM) has provided continuity for research seeking to clarify their antiulcerogenic action mechanisms. Models for gastric ulcer induction by non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (DAINE) [1], for the quantification of gastric mucus [2] and the quantification of prostaglandin PGE2 in the gastric mucosa have been established [3]. The dose of LIM (245mg/kg) used in the experiments was calculated based on both the amount of the compound in the OEC (97%) and on determination of the most effective OEC dose (250mg/kg). In models of gastric ulcers induced by DAINE, the OEC and LIM were effective in gastric protection, both showing 99% protection (p<0.05) compared to control animals. In the PGE2 quantification model, even with the joint administration of DAINE (Indomethacin 30mg/kg sc), a PGE2 inhibitor, the OEC and LIM were able to maintain high PGE2 levels similar to control groups, without changing basal PGE2 levels (p>0.05). The same did not occur in groups that were treated with vehicle and DAINE, since DAINE provoked a 60.2% drop in PGE2 levels in the gastric mucosa of these animals (p<0.05) in relation to control group. Groups treated with OEC and LIM presented significantly augmented gastric mucus (mg/g tissue) secreted in the stomach: vehicle 1.8±0.17, OEC 3.0±0.26 ** and LIM 2.7±0.23 * (p<0.05). The data show that OEC and LIM modulated the amount of PGE2 in the gastric mucosa without inducing indomethacin-level reductions, which justifies the antiulcerogenic results and observed rise in gastric mucus production.
strangely Indomethacin lowers pge2. people used to take this to help? crazy!!
you can get the essential oil, the powdered extract etc @HairCook
edit: just done a bit of sideways research, bitter orange can cause miscarriage so should help pge2. sorry to be blunt!
The previous finding of an antiulcerogenic effect from essential oil of Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae) (OEC) and its main compound limonene (LIM) has provided continuity for research seeking to clarify their antiulcerogenic action mechanisms. Models for gastric ulcer induction by non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (DAINE) [1], for the quantification of gastric mucus [2] and the quantification of prostaglandin PGE2 in the gastric mucosa have been established [3]. The dose of LIM (245mg/kg) used in the experiments was calculated based on both the amount of the compound in the OEC (97%) and on determination of the most effective OEC dose (250mg/kg). In models of gastric ulcers induced by DAINE, the OEC and LIM were effective in gastric protection, both showing 99% protection (p<0.05) compared to control animals. In the PGE2 quantification model, even with the joint administration of DAINE (Indomethacin 30mg/kg sc), a PGE2 inhibitor, the OEC and LIM were able to maintain high PGE2 levels similar to control groups, without changing basal PGE2 levels (p>0.05). The same did not occur in groups that were treated with vehicle and DAINE, since DAINE provoked a 60.2% drop in PGE2 levels in the gastric mucosa of these animals (p<0.05) in relation to control group. Groups treated with OEC and LIM presented significantly augmented gastric mucus (mg/g tissue) secreted in the stomach: vehicle 1.8±0.17, OEC 3.0±0.26 ** and LIM 2.7±0.23 * (p<0.05). The data show that OEC and LIM modulated the amount of PGE2 in the gastric mucosa without inducing indomethacin-level reductions, which justifies the antiulcerogenic results and observed rise in gastric mucus production.
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