bizarre regrowth and full lanugo, ''peach hair'' , PICS


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I have lanugo in my bald spot, and peach hair on my forehead ??? wtf ?


see, i have lots of fluff on my forehead and bald area, and one individual stray hair , all by itself

yes, that hair is an individual stray hair , not connected to any other hair or a stray hair from the side of my head, trust me, i checked it about 20 times

how weird

should this be in the success area ?? maybe, but no, as I am only using experimental ideas and stopped the big 3 ages ago and isnt exactly success


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fine , dont believe me, no, sorry, I didnt keep before pics, shame, I wish I did now


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sorry man i was drunk when i posted that , just theres so many post like this that lead to nothing. keep at it and post any further results soon and help us mudafuckas cure this sh*t

edit: whats your routeen ? please dont say apple cider vinigar


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my routine is lengthy, and varies

tablespoon msm and a natural vitamin c powder, mixed in water, or squeeze of a lemon depedning on what I can get for the vitamin c comination with MSM

a chinese herb tea, like He SHou wu, or other chinese herb , whatever is available from health food store. I drink this herb whenever I need a hot drink and mix it with honey.

Most supplements from Swanson
tyrosine, -personal thyroid problem, unrelated but worth noting
nascent iodine - personal thyroid problem, unrelated but worth noting
magnesium supplement
selenium supplement
astanxthin - for my eyesight, unrelated but worth noting

Silica G5 liquid shot.

Zinc picolinate, or, Liquid angstrom depending on what I have.

Externally -

Jojoba oil, emu oil, argan oil, rubbed into face and blad spots.
I will soon experiment with cayenne/ chilli essential oil dropped onto bald spot too.

previously I used castor oil.

Ony my face I use rosehip oil, but Im sure some will leak into my hair.

My diet is of unpasteurised clean dairy and cheese, prferably from goats, olives, clean organic meats and fish, potatoes, basic stuff.

I didnt upload pictures but I have began growing a monobrow, with full black hair on it.

Used to take, Adrenal essentials, Liver essenitals too.