michael barry
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1: J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Aug 13;118(3):373-7. Epub 2008 May 4. Links
Effect of black tea brew of Camellia sinensis on sexual competence of male rats.Ratnasooriya WD, Fernando TS.
Department of Zoology, University of Colombo, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka. wdr@zoology.cmb.ac.lk
AIM: In Sri Lankan traditional medicine black tea brew (BTB) of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (Theaceae) is claimed to have male sexual stimulant activity. As this claim is not scientifically tested and proven, this study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of BTB on male sexual competence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Different doses of BTB made from Sri Lankan high grown dust grade no 1 tea (84, 167 and 501 mg/ml) or water were orally administered to separate groups of rats (n=9 per group) and 3h later their sexual behaviour were monitored (for 15 min) using receptive females. RESULTS: The overall results showed that BTB possesses marked aphrodisiac activity (in terms of prolongation of latency of ejaculation shortening of mount- and intromission latencies and elevation of serum testosterone level). The aphrodisiac action had a rapid onset and appears to be mediated via inhibition of anxiety and elevation of serum testosterone level. Further, this aphrodisiac action was not associated with impairment of other sexual parameters like libido, sexual motivation, sexual arousal, sexual vigour or penile erection. BTB was also nontoxic (in terms of overt signs, liver and renal toxicity). CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that BTB can function as a quick acting, safe, oral aphrodisiac which may also be useful in certain forms of sexual inadequacies such as premature ejaculation and impaired libido and other sexual functions.
PMID: 18565706 [PubMed - in process]
Black tea reduces serum DHT in male MICE by 72% on average. There were 16 mice in each group, so this is the AVERAGE reduction in serum DHT for 16 mice (means this is no "fluke"),
http://jn.nutrition.org/content/vol133/ ... 69002.jpeg
Black tea also drastically shrunk prostate tumors in mice and lowered PSA levels in those mice also:
http://jn.nutrition.org/content/vol133/ ... 69001.jpeg
Effect of black tea brew of Camellia sinensis on sexual competence of male rats.Ratnasooriya WD, Fernando TS.
Department of Zoology, University of Colombo, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka. wdr@zoology.cmb.ac.lk
AIM: In Sri Lankan traditional medicine black tea brew (BTB) of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (Theaceae) is claimed to have male sexual stimulant activity. As this claim is not scientifically tested and proven, this study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of BTB on male sexual competence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Different doses of BTB made from Sri Lankan high grown dust grade no 1 tea (84, 167 and 501 mg/ml) or water were orally administered to separate groups of rats (n=9 per group) and 3h later their sexual behaviour were monitored (for 15 min) using receptive females. RESULTS: The overall results showed that BTB possesses marked aphrodisiac activity (in terms of prolongation of latency of ejaculation shortening of mount- and intromission latencies and elevation of serum testosterone level). The aphrodisiac action had a rapid onset and appears to be mediated via inhibition of anxiety and elevation of serum testosterone level. Further, this aphrodisiac action was not associated with impairment of other sexual parameters like libido, sexual motivation, sexual arousal, sexual vigour or penile erection. BTB was also nontoxic (in terms of overt signs, liver and renal toxicity). CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that BTB can function as a quick acting, safe, oral aphrodisiac which may also be useful in certain forms of sexual inadequacies such as premature ejaculation and impaired libido and other sexual functions.
PMID: 18565706 [PubMed - in process]
Black tea reduces serum DHT in male MICE by 72% on average. There were 16 mice in each group, so this is the AVERAGE reduction in serum DHT for 16 mice (means this is no "fluke"),
http://jn.nutrition.org/content/vol133/ ... 69002.jpeg
Black tea also drastically shrunk prostate tumors in mice and lowered PSA levels in those mice also:
http://jn.nutrition.org/content/vol133/ ... 69001.jpeg