black tea inhibits DHT?


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this is from another site
"Very interesting study here:

Mice treated with black tea tended to have a greater serum testosterone concentration (34.4%, P = 0.50) and had a 72% lower DHT concentration than controls (P < 0.05), suggesting that black tea may contain components that inhibit the activity of 5-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to the more bioactive DHT.

I know that mice, rats, monkeys, and humans have two isoforms of alpha five reductase, type 1 and type 2. Mice have been tested with very large doses of finasteride to check for side effects and because the pharmacology is assumed to be much the same with them.
The study above noted that black tea was given as the only beverage for mice and that prostate DHT as well serum DHT was reduced. The serum DHT was reduced slightly more than what finasteride would have done in the mice.

Could it be that by drinking a few glasses of black tea a day might inhibit alpha five just as well as finasteride?

Rather interesting stuff in my opinion."

what do you think?


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why are there so many bald british in all those movies?


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Perhaps because the British typically drink tea with milk, which may bind to the active components in tea. There was a study that suggested adding milk in tea would render its polyphenols useless. Who knows...the dht reducing properties may be inactive with milk too.


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this is true. milk does bind many anti-oxidants. The rats drank the tea every time they were thirsty. That is a lot of tea. I wonder if we would need that much to get the same effects. It would be cheaper than finasteride, but you'd run the risk of absorption issues on some days. I don't want to give up milk just yet.


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> ... Could it be that by drinking a few glasses of black tea a day might inhibit alpha five just as well as finasteride?

Wouldn't that be something!!??

But, speaking only for myself, I was an avid black tea drinker all my life - and right up to and through that period when my temples started to recede. And no, didn't use milk in my tea. Sugar or honey sometimes.

My father drank black tea all his life too - and he managed to lose a bunch of hair too.

So, it's a nice thought - but I wouldn't give up your finasteride just yet.


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Hmm, unfortunately I too have little to report from drinking black tea. I've drunk tea all my life (in the past few years not just black, but also green and oolong). The hairloss continues unabated.
so sad


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I have a used tea bag sitting on my head right now. That string is a pita though.



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i've actually been applying black tea topically every morning for the past month. I wake up, dose my head from yesterday's leftover tea, then go about my morning routine, which later includes a shower. Typically, it will be in my head for 1-2 hours before washing it out.
I started doing this after reading that it may be helpful for maintaining colour (i have black hair but have noticed a lighter shade lately).

For those that are interested in black tea, i'm pretty sure that black pepper increases its absorption. Even a very small amount will do.


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report back how that black tea does in 6 months so we can see how it went. Even though I have major doubts on most natural treatments they just dont seem to ever have a noticeable impact.