Black Tea


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Hello. After reading that black tea inhibits 5-alpha-reductase i bought myself some higher quality black tea, not tea bags but much more expensive "real tea". So after about 1 week of drinking it everyday i started to have nut ache similar to finasteride. Im in position where i cant use really anything cause i was having sides from finasteride(started to develope gyno), minoxidil gives me bloated face and feet(it sounds weird but my feet are bloated when using minoxidil) so i kinda accepted my fate and let it go. Back to tea. After i discontinued minoxidil and finasteride i shed alot and pre medication "mad" itching came back. This is the itching when i first started to lose my hair about 3 years ago, when it tches like crazy like there is mini nuke going off and you just have to scratch it no matter what and then if you pull the hair it comes out in the place it was ithching(some of you may know). So after ~month or so this itching and hair falling out stopped almost completely, i mean hair comes out but over half less than before but itching is almost gone now(reduced by 95%) after i started to drink tea. Maybe its placebo or im going crazy i dunno but i really think black tea had something to do with it. Im drinking about 5-7 grams per day. Any similar experiences or im going crazy? Also i want to note that libido went up little bit, beard started to grow faster, and i developed more chest hair. maybe placebo again im not sure. Oh and a bonus is having a very warm and relaxing feeling after drinking big cup of tea, calms you totally down and gives you smile out of nowhere. Cortisol goes down i guess if this is true