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Im deleting this pathetic text :thumbdown2:

uncomfortable man

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Re: Help... hair loss is ruining my life.

KeepTheHair said:
I now get a smirk. HA! Look at your hair...what a joke! LOL

Thats what the smirk says. I can't take it anymore
The smirk...yes, I'm all too familiar with the smirk and what it means. I get it all the time. I'm in my 30's and it still drives me mad. :bigun2: Sorry, had to pull out the big gun for this one.


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Re: Help... hair loss is ruining my life.

Theres no help, get on the big 3 if you can efford that, and if yours is severe as mine then start to save up for hair transplant like i do :/
the only thing you can find some sort of comfort is the fact that your not alone there, we all suffer from this sh*t, we all hate it, we all hate to think about it, look at the mirorr and see someone else, and checking the HM and New treatment section each day, but you have to learn to live with that.... i didnt accept hair loss, i did accepted the fact that i wont be as happy without my hair as i was with it, never. its sad, for for me, you and many others its a cruel fact.

oh, and welcome to the forum.. ;)


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Re: Help... hair loss is ruining my life.

Thanks guys...

Smooth: I have a big regimen as you can see. I can afford finasteride and so on...but when it comes to a hair transplant from a good IAHRS member...that seems impossible! There is no way I can get the money. It would take me over a year to save up for it. Which would be worth it...but it would be a ton of effort.

I will try though. If I can get some minor results from my regimen and wear my hair longer it should look...ok.

I bought dermmatch to help. But most of my thinning is in the front. maybe it will just help thicken all the hairs and create a better look.


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Re: Help... hair loss is ruining my life.

I get smirks all the time. But also glances/gazes that commands respect. Its only now I have started to use those glances/gazes in a positive way. I mean, getting respect whitout even having to open my mouth. Its very energy saving in terms of verbal communication. Their gazes/glances tell me something: that I am a heavy armed thug and that you should not mess with me :bigun2:

....but on the inside Im just a puppy waiting to be rescued :whistle:

...and it takes a while to change people`s first impression of me. To show them Im not really that dangerous. Just cause I happen to be a shaved NW5 looking to belong in a prison.

I dont worship the human race - we are far too judgemental for that.

If people constantly told you that youre fat (even though you weigh 50 pounds) you will start to believe it yourself - eventually.

If bullies day after day told you that their is something wrong/special about you, even though they show it in a none-verbal way, you will start to believe it yourself - eventually.


Established Member
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Re: Help... hair loss is ruining my life.

If money is an issue drop everything but the big 3.

Get on generic proscar and minoxidil(if you haven't done this yet it will save you a huge amount of money).

Everything else is pretty useless.


Established Member
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Re: Help... hair loss is ruining my life.

I agree.

But most of the IAHRS members have been very thoroughly screened. There are definitely worse and better.

Personally if I would do it I would choose Dr. Cole or Dr. Feller. etc