blame the yankees?


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as a loyal red sox fan, nothing pained me more than the happenings of last october, for those baseball followers, you know what happened. at the time i was a couple months into college having a good time. by some eerie coincidence, everything has been downhill from there, miserable freshman year at school, and tons of recession and frontal thinning. so i not only got heartbreak, but also hair loss. its like i can pinpoint that as the day it all started. this just leaves me to say as always, i hope the finasteride kicks in soon.


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:) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol: , well im a yankee fan, going to my 3rd game in the last six days, so sucks to be you (about the sox) :) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol: :) :lol:


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Axon said:
Man, we (Yanks) need pitching.

That's funny, we (Astros) just fairly recently acquired some pitching! :wink:



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Yep. Not like you're gonna win anyway.

Lemme see:

Lost Rocket (aging, but admittedly playing incredibly)

Lost Pettite (at best a #2 starter)

Got A-Rod who is playing amazing

In first place in a competitive divison

One of the top records in baseball

All the Yankee haters: I suggest saying a prayer now that they dont get pitching through a trade. The way they're setup now they can be beaten in the playoffs, unless the starters actually decide to show up.


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Axon said:
Yep. Not like you're gonna win anyway.

That's a non sequitur (note the correct have it wrong in your signature): we've won before! :wink:



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Okay, but I'll guarantee no Astros World Series this year.

Blame Gardener for the spelling (and I commend you on the segue to another issue from the third place Astros), as I cut and paste it from him. I will acknowledge that you are correct on this particular issue.

However, I don't see how my statement regarding the Yankees losing two pitchers to the Astros but still maintaining a playoff/championship club does not follow your statement logically. Furhter, all the evidence at this point in the season suggests that Griffey and the Reds will be taking the NL Central. I'd bring up that whole Cubs stealing it at the last second thing, but nah, that'd be rubbing it in. Before you say "OH BUT TEH YANKS LOST LOL," I assure you that I am well aware of the craptacular 2003 season.

Lastly, the Buffalo Bills have won before. So have the Red Sox and Cubs. Doesn't say much, huh? I'll stick with 26 World Series victories in slightly over 100 years of existence.


I want my minoxidil 5% baseball team to win the world series this year.

In my team, we all run out wearing regaine caps - and durign the 7th inning stretch we sing......

Take me out to the norwood, take me out to the show, buy me some rogaine and tricoman, I dont care if my hair ever grows back, cos my root, root, roots are not pigmented......

We are going to play the yankees next week, during interleague.

I have Dr lee at Shortstop.

Dr Gho is playing left field.

Dr Cole is 2nd base.

Dr Bosley at 1st base.



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Im from New it follows that Im a Yankees fan

I went to see the BoSox vs. Toronto at Fenway and it was the saddest sight I have ever seen...people over there have true disdain for Yankees fans and take the rivalry so seriously

The way i felt when Roy Jones lost to Tarver was probably just as traumatic for me...probably more...because hes never lost...but you could've expected this sort of thing

BUCK THE f***'re blaming hardships in your life on baseball?!


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Phillies will take the series this year, oh yeah E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!!!!!


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*zzzzzzz :sleep: zzzzzzzz, zzzzzzzzz :sleep: zzzzzzzzz*


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*yawn* Sorry, sports does that to me.
:jump: <- Your experience at a sporting event.

:doctor: <- My experience at a sporting event.


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I like the devil rays.they suck but atleast im not a bandwagon jumper like 50% of this country is............i live in tampa and there are yankees fans...i ask them why,and they never really know why....they usually say "ive like that team for years"BULLSHIT!!!!!


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Same here Blue, where Im from its BANWAGON all over the freaking place. I get so irrrritated! The Lakers do well and all of the sudden we have lakers fans all over the place. Yankees have a colt following of people who cant name a freaking player on the team. Oh I just want to smack the all around a few times. Tire man...tired....