Blondes, Gingers and Redheads - Any success stories? Photos?

Mr. Recessive

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Hello everyone,

I'm a long-time reader of this site but a first-time poster. I started my regimen approximately 4 months ago and haven't really noticed too much of a difference one way or another. My scalp feels better though and Nizoral does a great job of keeping my follicles looking denser than they used to. I'm 24 and probably close to a norwood 2 but mostly, I'm just a diffuse thinner. I've always had a high hairline and my hair has always been fine because I have very fair skin and ginger coloured hair.

My question is this...

Are there any guys out there with blonde, red or light coloured hair that are experiencing good results? Most of the success photos I've seen involve men with darker hair and stronger pigmentation and I simply can't related. Aren't there any fair-skinned, fine-haired males out there who are experiencing regrowth?


Of course there are!, me for instance!, hair pigmentation has no effect of the efficacy of finasteride / minoxidil

good luck

Mr. Recessive

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How can it not though? I mean, if hair loss involves miniturization of the hair follicle, wouldn't those with finer hair to begin with be fighting an even more uphill battle?

My father and my uncles didn't relaly suffer the traditional male pattern baldness, although I suppose that eventually the areas that were thinning eventually thinned out more in the vertex/temples. None of them ever went completley bald up top yet but they thinned horribly.

I've been wondering for the past 4 months now if finasteride will be the miracle drug that slows down the family curse (Ie: Am I the perfect candidate, being a diffuse thinner) or will it simply not work at all (Ie: am I a terrible candidate) because I'm a diffuse thinner with slight recession/crown thinning? Diffuse thinners seem to be in a different boat than the other guys that have thick hair everwhere else but the crown. It seems like the italian guys that are just thinning in the back are the prime candidates for this drug, and many of my friends that were on this before me fit this description.

I've been trying to find some people that have light coloured hair/skin like me who are experiencing success but it's been difficult. I suppose "Greg" from this very website is the closest thing I could find. All I've seen are dark haired men with dark tans. I can't seem to find anybody in a similar situation that is having great success.


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I have light brown-blonde fine hair, and have maintained less than a norwood 2 for 15 years. I use topical spironolactone as an anti-androgen and cu peptides as a stimulator, antifibrotic, and to lengthen anagen.

Think positive


Mr. Recessive said:
How can it not though? I mean, if hair loss involves miniturization of the hair follicle, wouldn't those with finer hair to begin with be fighting an even more uphill battle?

pigmentation and hair shaft size are different things.

Mr. Recessive said:
My father and my uncles didn't relaly suffer the traditional male pattern baldness, although I suppose that eventually the areas that were thinning eventually thinned out more in the vertex/temples. None of them ever went completley bald up top yet but they thinned horribly.

what would you like to call this newly discovered form of hairloss?

Mr. Recessive said:
I've been trying to find some people that have light coloured hair/skin like me who are experiencing success but it's been difficult. I suppose "Greg" from this very website is the closest thing I could find. All I've seen are dark haired men with dark tans. I can't seem to find anybody in a similar situation that is having great success.

So are you saying I am not having success or I have not got light coloured hair? or maybe both? I have dark hair and am having no success?


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I have blond to light brown (dirty blond) hair and have had success. Click on "my regimen" to see pics.

Mr. Recessive

New Member
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Bad Hair Decade,

You, sir, seem to be a success story that fits the kinds of characteristics I'm looking for. You're actually one of the reasons I got on finasteride. I remember seeing your progress and thinking, well, if it's working for him, maybe it will work for me too!

After four months of finasteride/Nizoral, however, I STILL am nervous to step up to Minoxodil. If I do do it, I'll probably go with the heavy duty formula but I'm nervous to because I don't want to have a severely negative reaction to it.

By the way, which treatment do you think is doing more for your progress? The finasteride or the minoxidil? I know all the facts out there point to the fact that both work together nicely but do you really think minoxidil is a must for any finasteride user?