Benn on RU ( ~ 25mg/d 70/30 and 50/50 Ethanol/PPG vehicle ) for over 1yr
now. Current blood test shows one liver enzyme to be severely out of range now. It is AP = alkaline phosphatase. If too high it is a strong indicator for severe liver damage, cancer or bone cancer???
In my case it did not increase - THANK GOD - but it decreased and it is severely too low now.
They don't know why and want to do examination on me.
In females this lowering effect is known to be linked to taking anit baby pill.
So there may be a link, as I knew I had absorption of RU into the blood and
build up of supposedly nilutamide...
Does anybody else on RU see this liver enzyme modification? Be aware that in many routine blood tests this value is not checked, despite it is an important marker....
now. Current blood test shows one liver enzyme to be severely out of range now. It is AP = alkaline phosphatase. If too high it is a strong indicator for severe liver damage, cancer or bone cancer???
In my case it did not increase - THANK GOD - but it decreased and it is severely too low now.
They don't know why and want to do examination on me.
In females this lowering effect is known to be linked to taking anit baby pill.
So there may be a link, as I knew I had absorption of RU into the blood and
build up of supposedly nilutamide...
Does anybody else on RU see this liver enzyme modification? Be aware that in many routine blood tests this value is not checked, despite it is an important marker....