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The Gardener

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Gardener here, and I am completely stoned out of my head.

Two thoughts... I was just standing in front of the mirror, and cannot belive how thick my hair is. I love my regimen. I used to do this and feel bad, but since the 'reg' I see improvement and it's glorious.

Second, I wonder if THC is bad for the hair?

Eh, not worth spending my very valuable time right now worrying about it.


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Ahh your regime is what got me started, I have read most of your post regarding spironolactone and minoxidil for a while now. Great to hear it's working as that gives me much more confidence since I am shedding right now (just got done 1 month) and my hair is the thinnest it has ever been...BUT I feel great because I know it's going to work...

The Gardener

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Good, my friend. Stick with it. I swear I shed at weeks 2, 4, and 6! But during my second month I saw some positive signs. No, not 'improvement' but just some small changes in my hair that made me realize that things were a-gettin' better.

I'm still no David Schwimmer, and I really haven't gained all that much in the hairline department, maybe half to three-quarters' inch on the tops of my temples. But what a difference that half inch makes. That, and the fact that my existing hair in general is phenomenonally thicker is great.

In the old days, when I would get high and look in the mirror I would focus in on how shitty my hair is. Well, my hair is still kind of shitty... BUT, it looks a LOT better. A LOT better.


The Gardener said:
In the old days, when I would get high and look in the mirror I would focus in on how shitty my hair is. Well, my hair is still kind of shitty... BUT, it looks a LOT better. A LOT better.

It's a trip looking at your hair when you are high.

The Gardener

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It IS a trip, isn't it, BHD.

Well it is Sunday afternoon and I am stoned AGAIN. Having one of the best weekends ever! No, not necessarily because of all the stoniness, but just because this weekend I decided to screw all my obligations and not worry about ANYTHING. I'm just having a nice mini-vacation here at home, enjoying the company of my neighbors in my condo complex and relaxing. We're barbecueing right now, getting ready for the Laker game, and pretty much loving this great weather down here. To top it all off, I think I am going to lick some pussy in a few minutes too.

Anyways, it is important to take time out and enjoy life from time to time. No, not necessarily like I am right now, but just carve out some NON-ROUTINE time in the midst of your ROUTINE to enjoy what's around you. Enjoy the people, and the joy of a good barbecue with neighbors. Every now and then you have to unplug yourself from the Matrix for a while and just enjoy being you.

Cheers folks, have a great weekend, and GO LAKERS!


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The Gardener said:
maybe half to three-quarters' inch on the tops of my temples. But what a difference that half inch makes.

This is more than 1 centimeter, right? Gardener, were these areas totally bald before or was their still vellus hair? A half inch "real regrowth" in the temple area is really a great success. I would be that happy with half an inch.....



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No Doubt

Hey Gardener,

No doubt!!!!!! Enjoying life really is a must! This weekend I did the same, I threw away all my responsibilities and had some fun. I have a huge headache right now. :) Lets just say I had a run in with Mr. Captain morgan. I also went to a baseball game stoned, WHAT A TRIP THAT WAS!!! Boy the food delicious!!!! There was fireworks after the game and let me tell you it was AWESOME! Anyways, the only thing I dont agree with you is on the LAKERS, I sure hope the Timberwolves kick their ***! :)Im still bitter my Spurs went home. Aight main, I'm OUT!


The Gardener

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Ah, Tony, a baseball game would have been brilliant today. Hopefully the weather up there in SJ was as nice as it was down here in LA.. nice and mild, plenty of sun, and just about perfect. Damn, baseball would have been nice.

Well, this free-for-all weekend now comes to an end. After our barbecue, and watching the Lakers lose (no worries, they'll wipe the T-Wolves like a hot teen girl's ***) we retired to my patio for more weed, good discussion and a nice motown compilation on the stereo. I just showered off that smelly film that partying leaves on your skin, applied the spironolactone and minoxidil, and I must say that I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight. What a great weekend. It's 1:30 am here, and despite the late hour and lack of a little sleep tonight I have slept in big time both days this weekend and I am soooo rested. I'm gonna walk into work tomorrow off of a nice buzz and really hit the ground running.

They work us like dogs here in the US. We need our simple pleasures from time to time!


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yo gardener,
ive had a similar situation to you. i was just telling a friend about this recently. not about the hairloss, but the getting high. i used to smoke and think about all the negatives, test scores, hairloss, appearance etc. i would looking the mirror at my hairline for 20 minutes and sh*t. untill one day it stopped. and when i stared getting high it would be a total possitive experience again. i dont know what it was that caused this change but it has been great. i went from dredding smoking and only smoking once in a blue in a social setting and feeling shitty to now wanting to get high cause it will be only good. i feel you bro. didnt know anyone else experienced this. peace.


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Axon said:
My hands are huge. They can touch anything except each other.
MC Hammer would dissagree.

Kevin fretwell

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Smoking has a tendency to enhance the direction of your mood doesn't it?Also I would like to add that I had a dream last night where I looked into the mirror and had most my hair .What a great feeling


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I played someone named J.R.R Tokin' on Xbox live the other day. He kept telling me how "zooted" he was.

Kevin fretwell

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And my hands are hairy .There's something amist here!(laughs)