
long hair

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some guy selling an e-book telling you how to make home made tool that will help you to grow your hair fast may be just in tow months ..he claim he found the cure while he is working at the jungle helping some local people building their homes ...the local leader give him a solution for his bald head and as he said it help him regrow his hair in a few months ..and it seems works for something like 98% of the people who tried it later .
the e-book is : HAIRLOSS BLUEPRINT .

for some reason i cant download this book any one test this thing before? it a scam or real deal ?
i searched every where for free copy but no way..i must know how this tool looks like:confused:


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some guy selling an e-book telling you how to make home made tool that will help you to grow your hair fast may be just in tow months ..he claim he found the cure while he is working at the jungle helping some local people building their homes ...the local leader give him a solution for his bald head and as he said it help him regrow his hair in a few months ..and it seems works for something like 98% of the people who tried it later .
the e-book is : HAIRLOSS BLUEPRINT .

for some reason i cant download this book any one test this thing before? it a scam or real deal ?
i searched every where for free copy but no way..i must know how this tool looks like:confused:

The only thing that will "grow" is the amount of money in the pockets of that guy who made it into the jungle :)

long hair

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i am not going to buy it ..i will build it if i know what is it sure some one here or there see this thing some where ,so i will keep searching ...


Established Member
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stopped reading at "selling an e-book"........... déja vu

long hair

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frenchy do me a favor , ask your bald friends may be some of them bought a copy ..i don't want you to use it ..just send it to me.


Established Member
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will send a few pm on another forum if i get something i will tell you but i would be REAAAALLY really surprised buddy !


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he claim he found the cure while he is working at the jungle helping some local people building their homes

.so any one test this thing before? it a scam or real deal ?

When I first read this, it gave me a good laugh. Then I remembered Tarzan. That dude hung out in the jungle and had amazing hair. This has to be the real deal. This topic needs to be moved to the cutting edge section immediately. When you locate the ebook make sure you start a thread where we can track your progress.

long hair

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thank you frenchy....

notcool glad it makes you laugh ,it is really funny when you think it that way...but seriously i will keep searching for a way to speed up my hair growth it doesn't matter if it found in a jungle or a desert it may work .the solution is some where waiting for me i just have to find it.


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bekims cousin

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When I first read this, it gave me a good laugh. Then I remembered Tarzan. That dude hung out in the jungle and had amazing hair. This has to be the real deal. This topic needs to be moved to the cutting edge section immediately. When you locate the ebook make sure you start a thread where we can track your progress.

Everyone knows that Tarzan used nofap........he just had Cheetah do it.....