Boar hair brush good for the scalp?


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My sister has this brush made from 100% Boar hair bristles.. she told me it's really gentle on the scalp and that it 'stimulates the follicles'.. I don't know if that's true or not, but it feels REAL good!

Sometimes I get the PPG (from Rogaine) itch sensations and I take that brush to my scalp and just run it over and over.. it feels good, but I wonder if the scalp is resilient enough to avoid any 'permanent damage'.

Am I paranoid or something?



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ive read many reports of brushing your hair being good for it. Lets put it this way, it doesnt hurt. It def stimulates hair, to what degree is debatable. All the articles ive read recommend a boar bristled brush. Could you ask your sister where she got hers? I brush my hair as well. It feels good, gets all the dead hairs out, and keeps my scalp itch down to nothing. Ive read a website where a girl claims to have regrown temple hair thanks to brushing every day for years.

Women brush their hair like madmen after showers and whenever using a blow dryer and doing their hair..perhaps they know something balding men dont.


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Just make sure you are not pulling your hair at all. As long as there is no traction, I doubt it will hurt you. And if it feels good and helps you tolerate the minoxidil, go for it. Maybe I'll get one myself, not for hair growth, but because I don't yet have a girlfriend to run her fingers through my hair.


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Boar bristle and other animal hair brushes are good for male pattern baldness men for another reason -- unlike combs, which clump up the hair, making it easy to see straight through to the scalp, animal hair brushes spread out the hair for better scalp coverage. Plastic bristle brushes would do the same thing, but having less give to them, they might end up pulling out too much hair on an male pattern baldness head, where a greater percentage of hairs are in telogen and ready to fall out. (Not that those hairs aren't going to shed eventually anyway, but there's no need to hurry along the process when you need all the hair you can get for coverage).