Body dysmorphic disorder


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Has anyone on this forum been treated for BBD? I read through the symptoms and unfortunatly I fit the description to a tee. My wife is making me an appt with a therapist since my obsession with my hair loss is really affecting our family. Damn hair loss!!


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Not had any professional help but I've read a few books on it and I beleive I tick many of the boxes for BDD.

Then again, I just think I'm ugly...

Bald Dave

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What i found whilst on this forum is that people use baldness as an excuse for not getting laid, not being successful, not getting a job etc when in fact its there outlook in life thats to blame and not their lack of hair. I would say that many people have BDD on here for blaming their failers on their baldness because there are many bald guys out there that can get laid, got good jobs etc and they don't use baldness as an excuse for failure hence why they don't have BDD. Its more of a mental thing that is stopping people from living their lives rather than a physical thing.