body hair / hormones and male pattern baldness


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Have any of you experienced an increase in body hair coinciding with the onset of male pattern baldness? I am 20 years old and when I finally noticed that I was thinning and receding I noticed that over this time I had gained alot of body hair. I used to have no hair except on my chest but now it has grown on my stomach and arms. Its not to a degree where its unattractive, but it definitely coincided with male pattern baldness.

My question is, does anyone know if this may be a sign of the change in hormones that also triggered the male pattern baldness?

Also, does this suggest that my hair loss is more due to DHT levels, or less due to DHT levels? Would this make any difference for how effective propecia will be for me (which i have been on for 2.5 months)?



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someone once told me, the more hair you have on your body the more likely you are to go bald on your head

prolly a urban myth though


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yuppy75 said:
someone once told me, the more hair you have on your body the more likely you are to go bald on your head

prolly a urban myth though

Gotta be, I don't have much body hair and i'm still losing it. Two of my mates are both hairy beasts and have nice thick hair and so do there dads. So I guess that puts that to rest.


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this is irrelevant to the conversation topic but I was looking at your pics bert and your hair looks really good man. dont know if its just the pictures but in general you are in really good shape. also it seems like your front hairline is widening with the rogaine use...

just thought id throw that in there. i see youre in the uk, and so am i at the moment. its unbelievable how many people in this country are losing their hair in their early and mid 20's...


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Re: bert

itsjustaphase said:
this is irrelevant to the conversation topic but I was looking at your pics bert and your hair looks really good man. dont know if its just the pictures but in general you are in really good shape. also it seems like your front hairline is widening with the rogaine use...

just thought id throw that in there. i see youre in the uk, and so am i at the moment. its unbelievable how many people in this country are losing their hair in their early and mid 20's...

Thanks for the comments, yeah my hairs not that bad I've got pretty decent coverage overall part from the hairline its just kinda thined alot, but then again the pic's are hardly the best. But yeah I would agree I think my hairline is widening abit. Thanks dude

Ha not to sure about rates of people losing their hair in britain.


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body hair and male pattern baldness are definatley related.

the more body hair you have, the more likely you go bald.

like so many things the theory is not 100% applicable to all people. i'm sure there are some guys with full body hair, and haven't lost a single hair on their heads either.


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I have to admit that this post did come across to me an an urban legend. I don't know but it doesn't really seem to make a difference if you have lots of body hair or not, you're dome is still going to go south if you're in line for male pattern baldness :x



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Excessive amounts of body hair are thought to be closely linked to high levels of DHT - which would mean that there is a strong link between the amount of body hair and the risk of becoming a victim of male pattern baldness.

Now, some peoples' follicles - supposedly - are not as sensitive as others' to exposure of DHT, so they may very well be "hairy beasts" and stay NW1 until there's nothing left but dust of their scalps.

This is just my view, and it is most likely highly incorrect.